Hubble’s Community Update #3 (November 2021)

Published in
5 min readDec 5, 2021

Wrapping up this month, we’ve made a lot of progress as a community. Here’s a brief rundown to encapsulate all that’s happened at Hubble on the community-side in November. For a product update, read this.

This month, Hubblers initiated another 3 projects as part of the Hubbleverse. Watching these projects be initiated, worked on by Hubblers and delivered is truly Hubblicious. Here’s this month’s projects:

  • HubbleSong
  • HubblePuzzle
  • Hubbleverse

Hubble Song

There has been a lot of buzz and excitement around the Hubble Song from its inception. Mr Boat (a Hubbler, 3D Artist) invited musician Marian Senchea to create this song. Marian recently spoke with Hubblers as part of a Townhall Twitter Spaces where we all heard a first draft of the song.

There has been a newer draft since — this one with lyrics. It sounds absolutelty fantastic. It’s currently unreleased so you’d just have to take my word for it. We’ll have a launch event for the song sometime in December.


The Hubbleverse is Hubble’s literal metaverse. It’s a place where Hubblers can gather around, hangout, party, discuss trades and be Hubble.

A message from Mr. Boat himself that got us very excited.

The Hubbleverse will be created in VR Chat. For those who have a VR headset, you’ll be able to tap into it. If you don’t have a VR headset, you can still access the Hubbleverse.

Here’s a small sneak peak of the Hubbleverse to give you an idea of what’s happening behind the scenes and the attention to detail being put into the world being created for Hubblers. The coalition between the creative minds in the Hubble community is peak crypto.

On the left is the Hubble Space Port, created by artist Alejoh. On the right is Mr. Boat’s 3D rendition of the same space port.

Mr.Boat also mentions a spaceship in which Hubblers will enter the Hubbleverse — as part of an animation. Here’s an early draft of this spaceship.

In early December, we’re hosting a Townhall with Mr. Boat where you can expect more sneak peaks. Direct the course of the Hubbleverse and join the conversation in the #hubbleverse channel on discord.

Meme by @sssslucassss


Two Hubblers are creating an on-chain puzzle, Devdatt and Dorlanz. This puzzle is being created in a private channel. There’s a possibility of this leading up to the creation of a Puzzle Guild that would organize similar Puzzles for communities like Trader Joe and Pangolin.

What’s the latest on Hubble’s Space Cats?

Hubble’s Space Cats was initiated by Alejoh, Dorlanz and Lelouch from the Hubble community. The project is now near to completion. The artwork for the PFPs is ready, the smart contracts are being worked on as I write this and the claim website will be live any day now.

Here’s a sneak peak of the website for the space cats where you’ll be able to claim yours soon!

For the initial distribution, there has been a snapshot of existing testers.

The PFPs aren’t just PFPs, they have the following features:

⁃ Owning the NFT will give you a trading fee discount on Hubble.

⁃ They become your PFP on Hubble’s interface.

  • A stealth feature yet to be announced.

Here’s just some of the elements you can expect to find in the Space Cats.

Hubble’s Space Cat AMA

A short AMA was organized where Dorlanz, Alejoh and Lelouch introduced the Space Cats to the community.

Avalanche India — AMA

We had the honour of speaking with tightly knit Avalanche India community, hosted by the lovely Kuen Shah.

Here our favourite question from the AMA:

How many contributors does Hubble have?

Hubble has more than 25 contributors who work towards the success of the protocol in a wide variety of capacities. Currently, a musician is working on a Hubble theme song, an artist is working on telegram and discord stickers. We have about 15 multi-language moderators, known as the Mod Guild. There is a team of two devs who create bots, such as @hubblerekt on twitter — it tweets each time someone is liquidated on Hubble. And of course the pfp project.

We want to be community driven with Hubble since day 1.

Mod Guild

An all hands meeting was recently hosted for the Mod Guild — this was the first of many more to come. The Mods are Hubble’s silent heroes, protecting the server and helping get newer Hubblers on the same page.

Tutorial Guild

Very recently, a YouTuber, Token Taurus, made a short tutorial video on Hubble. Here’s a link to the video on YouTube. We’ve since used the video on Twitter and its helped many testers onboard to the testnet smoothly. It was even quote tweeted by Zhu Su himself.

We’re dedicating a new guild to creating and maintaining Hubble’s tutorials. There are three members in the guild at its inception.

  • TokenTaurus — Video Tutorials
  • Tej — Written Tutorials
  • Dorlanz — Reviewing, assisting, Quality Control

The tutorials will be live on, built with Notion + Super. Video tutorials will also be available on YouTube.


A big shoutout to our friends at Pangolin with whom we organized a giveaway this month. Over 650+ people participated.

Another giveaway to celebrate the Hubble Space Cats.

A special message from Hard Rock Nick.

The script for this video was written by Serkan. Thanks to Nick for shipping this video very quickly.

The (🔭, 🔺)fam

We added over 250 new Hubblers to the (🔭, 🔺)fam. This brings the total 460+. The Hubble fam is a closely knit group of Hubblers that’s been around since almost the very beginning.

On that bombshell, thanks for reading the community update all the way to the end. We’ve had so much going on and with what’s lined up for the next in the next few days, being a Hubbler will be anything but boring.

