A business user’s take on Office365 governance

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2 min readJun 5, 2019

Office365 admins often see themselves as Heisenberg from Breaking Bad. But governance is not just limited to them. Business users also need to know how Office365 governance works

Let’s face it: Office365 governance faces as many challenges as the cartel of the syndicate does:

Controlling Resource Sprawl

A master peddler needs to know his way around his territory. A business user in charge of Office365 governance needs to control resource sprawl in Office365.

Governance on auto pilot

If you work for a small to medium level business or for that matter, even a large enterprise, Office365 governance issues are a bit of a drag. You often wish that you had someone to take ownership of all these responsibilities without you busting your brains over it. Enter Watchdog365, the pilot for your Office365 governance.

‘What’s in this for me?’

Business users often wonder why they need an Office365 governance tool at all? Why would they want to spend $X every month for a tool that helps sort out whatever tech mumbo jumbo it claims to sort?

Allow us to explain: say you get a compact tool kit for your garage. Say it costs $5,000. The toolkit is branded, it is from Microsoft and you know it’s good but you don’t need say 20 of the 50 tools you bought.

How cool would it be if you were to only pay for 30 and not 50?

The same is true with Office365 as well. Your office does not need all the tools that are part of the package. So, why are you paying for them? Wait, how do you identify these tools that are rarely used or never used? Engage Watchdog365 and watch your Office365 governance companion weave his magic.

Overkill? Why don’t you find out: https://portal.watchdog365.com/signup

Thank us later, Cheers!



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