Best 3 SharePoint Tools to foster Employee Engagement & Productivity | Hubfly

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3 min readMar 26, 2018

Employee Engagement is one of the biggest challenges organizations face. Also, most people often misinterpret employee engagement as a means of just improving productivity.

It is true that companies with good employee engagement has demonstrated a quantifiable increase in their productivity, that is not all. Then what actually does better employee engagement do?

In addition to improving the productivity it also plays a vital role in other aspects like increasing the rate of success, lower absenteeism and turnover, improving the quality of work and health etc. That is how the benefits of employee engagement goes.

SharePoint and Employee Engagement

SharePoint is the de-facto standard for Intranets that enable work collaboration and communication. But the tools that SharePoint offers for high level of employee engagement is often underutilized.

There are many organizations still use other tools out of SharePoint for meetings, conference calls, chats etc. But that is not the ideal solution when you have a powerful Digital Workplace toolkit in your arsenal.

In this blogpost, let us see what SharePoint offers for employee engagement that contributes not only to employee productivity, but the other benefits we discussed earlier too.

My Sites, Team Sites & Communication Sites

We often see employees reporting their work status completion via emails or external Timesheet or Project Management apps to update their completed tasks to their managers.

Do you know this can be more effectively showcased with SharePoint MySites? Because, collaboration runs through the veins of SharePoint every tool or feature you have within SharePoint is designed to foster work collaboration.

SharePoint MySites can be used to share content that your manager would like to review, put your goals, top it up with a calendar or task list so that you manager can keep a scheduled track of your assignments.

Also, the employee can use MySites to log their interests, talents, skills, domain expertise and so on. No more an employee can restrict themselves to their cubicles and work on solos. That is a behavior of the past and organizational work culture now demands collaborative work.

Not only that, you could also create Team Sites and Community Sites. Team sites comes in handy when you need to group a pool of resources on a project where they can share documents, events, surveys, have discussions and follow up with their tasks.

Community sites can be used to post their queries or request help or support from the greater community. Management can also reward the employees offering the most contribution via these sites in helping their peers.

Surveys with SharePoint

You often might have received mails to participate in surveys conducted by your organization. But how often did you see the surveys are created in SharePoint? You can easily create surveys in SharePoint and pool in as many feedbacks as possible.

Survey results can be exported to Excel workbook and you can analyze or track the progress or involvement of your employees.

Here is an interesting article on how to create surveys in SharePoint. Once you create your first survey, you will agree how easy and fast it is to setup surveys in SharePoint.

This is definitely a tool to mention in SharePoint that helps foster employee engagement.

Broadcast News with SharePoint News Web Part

Ever since the Intranet evolved, pushing corporate communications to its workforce is one of the main applications, next to Content Management. News is a great engagement tool.

If you can incorporate ‘rating’ and ‘sharing’ buttons in your news, your broadcast reaches well beyond the reach you have been waiting for.

Again, adding a News Web Part and implementing your official communications channel is easy with SharePoint. If you are interested, you could read how to use the News web part on a SharePoint page here.

This is not all, as we have lot more tools in SharePoint to enable better employee engagement. Teams, Calendars, ToDo, Skype for Business and lot more tools are there to make collaboration and engagement better.

Let us reserve those for another blogpost but don’t forget to comment what you feel about SharePoint and how it helps employee engagement.

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Hubfly provides Intranet as a service and a suite of business productivity apps for MS SharePoint. SharePoint is indeed great, but we have made it even better!