Agora Beta One Release

Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2018

When we published our roadmap in November ( our first milestone was a Beta version of our marketplace that we internally call Agora. It was scheduled for late January — we hope you excuse the slight delay and thank you for your patience (four days delay ain’t too bad, we hope!).

This first deployment is a closed Beta for our existing B2B customers. But we are happy to share some screenshots of the functionality:

This version is still off chain, but Agora Beta one is a huge step in the new direction: It enables us to migrate existing partners onto the new platform and — even more important — allows us to sell the solution to additional content owners and distributors.

We plan 5 to 8 additional deployments by the end of this year. Next up on the roadmap for Agora is addressing the two major issues described in our white paper ( a) ease of use and b) volatility. A lot of this work around this is happening in the Omphalos projects — which we will share an update on soon.

We are busy, but on track and the great support and feedback from the community keeps us going. Having really committed partners also helps a lot! And we look forward to presenting Hubii to leaders in content and journalism at two major media events: International Festival of Journalism in April ( and the Global Editors Network Summit in May (

