First project secured for financing through hubii film

Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2018

Last week we told you about hubii film and that we were hosting an event in Cannes during the legendary film festival. The goal was to meet with producers of interesting projects and identify the first projects we admit for funding through hubii seed. Glad to report — Cannes was a success for hubii and hubii film.

A nice crowd

Over 50 people attended our event — among them high profile producers, filmmakers and actors from all corners of the world. We had good conversations and got great questions during our Q+A session. And … we secured a first project that will fundraise through hubii seed, our content marketplace:

hubii film it is

The first project that will raise funds through the platform is the documentary Bitcoin Goldrush (Iceland) which will be produced by Hlín Jóhannesdóttir (Land Ho, The Swan) and directed by Rob Alexander (Gary Numan: Android in La La Land).

Bitcoin Goldrush (Iceland) will document how a Bitcoin industry has developed after the financial crisis in the country famed for its low crime rate and geothermal-powered electricity system.

Producer Hlin Jóhannesdóttir said:

“It is exciting to have the opportunity to raise through cryptocurrency funding sources. We look forward to the transparency the blockchain ecosystem provides and the value adding opportunities we get through the film’s unique coin.”

Part of the team at Cannes with Hlín Jóhannesdóttir

We are considering a few more projects and are mostly looking at feature film projects in the scifi and horror movie genre. Sorry for the cliffhanger, we are working hard to work with the producers and directors and will update you here as soon as we can share more details!

Having a presence in Cannes worked well, thus the schedule for hubii film projects will likely revolve around the main industry events going forward: the film festivals in Toronto, Canada (September), Sundance, USA (January) and Cannes, France (May).

