Second Layer Solutions: nahmii’s CLI and SDK

Morten Fjeldstad
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2018

Following on from our previous post about developing nahmii, hubii’s second layer scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain, we wanted to spend some time discussing two tools we’ve built to help developers interact with the protocol. Our CLI (Command Line Interface) and SDK (Software Development Kit) products are designed to make nahmii an easy platform to build on. By removing many of the barriers to entry that typical blockchain developers face, hubii is driving adoption of the platform as the first commercially-focused Ethereum scaling solution.

To better explain the features and benefits of nahmii’s CLI and SDK, it helps to understand their backstory. The CLI and SDK products were developed as a result of simple necessity; hubii needed a more efficient way to test nahmii. Manual testing on a large scale is inherently inefficient and, for reasons of time and financial cost, out of the question for us. Instead, the team decided to take a scripted approach.

When developing the CLI and SDK, the hubii team kept in mind a design philosophy centered around ease-of-use and simplicity. We understand that users, particularly developers, have a choice about which systems to use; if nahmii was too complex or cumbersome to build on, they would simply look elsewhere. As a result the CLI and SDK use command syntax which is as intuitive and natural as possible. As an example, the command for making a payment through the CLI is as simple as: nahmii pay 1 ETH to <address>.

Target Users of the CLI and SDK

nahmii enables effective and secure transactions without going to the base layer for every action performed. Due to this advantage, the hubii team sees the CLI and SDK as gateway products which will increase exposure and speed up nahmii’s adoption. Product demonstrations using the CLI are elegant and compelling, making it easy for prospective partners to see the value in the system. Unsurprisingly, the CLI and SDK solutions are a cornerstone of hubii’s overall strategy.

There are two different target users for the CLI and SDK. The CLI targets users who want to get up and running quickly with nahmii’s APIs and those who want an efficient way of verifying workflows within the protocol. The SDK, meanwhile, targets both front-end and back-end JavaScript developers who need to create integrated workflows. Comparing the two, the SDK offers more features with a similarly steeper learning curve to the CLI. Effectively, the CLI is designed to lower the barrier to entry into the cryptocurrency economy for technical users who are inexperienced with blockchain technology. The SDK is aimed squarely at developers, using structuring and terminology which should already be familiar to them.

Excitement about nahmii’s CLI and SDK tools is growing and we have received a great deal of positive feedback from both internal and external users, many of whom are looking to build on nahmii as soon as possible:

“nahmii is a new twist for blockchain payments, and we haven’t seen another system that is faster, more affordable or trustworthy. For developers, nahmii is already simpler to use than Paypal or Stripe, and their advantage is going to grow.”

— Andrew Leak, Lead Developer, Bugmark

Scaling nahmii across industries

The hubii team are convinced that nahmii will have substantial benefits beyond typical blockchain use cases. Through the CLI and SDK, we can drive adoption of blockchain technology by lowering the barrier to entry for novices, experts and curious developers alike. As more users and potential partners are exposed to the potential of the protocol, we are bringing outside perspectives and ideas into the blockchain industry. This creates new opportunities for collaboration and further development of the protocol.

The CLI and SDK fit perfectly into hubii’s overall vision for the cryptocurrency space; we believe that our products should be intuitive, tailored to the user’s level of experience and powerful enough for commercial-scale applications. Users will soon have an even wider choice when it comes to interacting with nahmii; alongside the CLI and SDK, we will soon be connecting hubii core — our reference UI wallet manager and distributed exchange product — to the protocol.

Once again, hubii’s products are driving the blockchain industry forward. We invite you, as always, to join us on Github where you can download the latest versions of our products including the new open source version of hubii core (v0.5).

