Update: Microsoft Marketing Begins

John Derbyshire
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2019

Following the announcement of nahmii’s partnership with Microsoft, today we are delighted to confirm the listing of nahmii on Microsoft’s AppSource marketplace (the link is here). This milestone is just the start of a coordinated marketing push to bring nahmii to a wider audience; read on to find out more about our exciting plans with Microsoft.

CLI, SDK and hubii core

Our plans with Microsoft include both internal and external marketing. Externally, we will start with a simple listing on the AppSource marketplace which details nahmii’s CLI, SDK and hubii core tools. This will be followed by application-specific listings, covering the full range of Microsoft’s marketplaces.

As you know, nahmii comes complete with a range of developer tools to make building products on the blockchain easier. Our Command Line Interface (CLI) is a lightweight, simple gateway into using nahmii which includes the full lifecycle of functions (deposit, check balance, make payment, settle account, withdraw). Similarly, our Software Development Kit (SDK) gives developers a javascript library for nahmii’s APIs. Both the CLI and SDK are designed to lower the high barrier to entry for developers and you can try both products out using these links: SDK, CLI.

Our third product, hubii core, is a market-leading blockchain asset manager. You can use hubii core to perform all of nahmii’s key functions, as well as interact with the Ethereum’s mainnet and Ropsten networks. Both hardware and software wallets are supported, alongside ‘watch-only’ wallets which do not require a private key. You can download the latest version of hubii core here.


The current Azure Marketplace and AppSource listings include a small number of blockchain-related products, with nahmii filling a clear gap in the market. As such, nahmii will benefit from being in the first group of blockchain products marketed in this way.

More Updates to Come

We’ve been working on a significant upgrade to nahmii over the last few weeks, with results due before Christmas. Today’s update marks a significant milestone in the growth of nahmii as a platform and we’re working hard as a team to bring new partners on board. You can expect another update soon, so join our active Telegram group and follow us on Twitter for the latest news.

