8 Remarkable Perks of Event Gamification

Juhi Purswani
6 min readJun 18, 2019


Event planners and organizers keep coming up with creative ideas that indulge the audience providing a unique experience that attracts more attendees in the next event. Gamification enhances the event experience of attendees at meetings and corporate events. With the inception of event apps, use of event gamification has gradually increased and loved by the event audience across the globe.

Conference planners opt for event app feature to integrate gamification and enhance audience engagement by forming a collaborative mobile community. Attendees can gain experience, play games, take part in live quizzes and polls, win badges, and earn recognition. These attribute of gamification draws attention and refines on the attendee experiences.

Moreover, using such prominent features with event technology i.e. Event gamification in event apps thus saves an adequate amount of time and efforts in event planning. With Event Gamification in progress, attendees become more interested in the mobile event app and tend to participate in maximum numbers.

Here are some amazing benefits that event organizers cherish by integrating gamification in their events. Let’s have a look at the 8 best benefits of using gamification at events:

1. Breaking the ice — It is very common that attendees take time to bond at an event. Event Gamification gives a chance to the attendees to interact amongst themselves and build useful connections. Gamification features can provide an ultimate starter experience and prove to be the best for ice-breaking for the attendees. Gamification paves a way for event networking to maximize attendee engagement.

It creates an environment which encourages effective communication between attendees. Event Gamification is a proven and tested strategy to help attendees in onboarding the corporate event or business event. It makes mingling with one another more fun and effortless!

2. Enhanced Attendee Networking — Attendees visit an event, conference, exhibition with a certain purpose that is either to gain knowledge of products in the market, build business connections or to build up their networking connections. Attendee networking is a crucial aspect of any business or corporate event.

To ease into the networking process, event technology vendors have also come up with event networking platform integrated which helps them view the attendee lists, chat with attendees and even set up meeting requests. Gamifying the networking experience can be a prime element to improve and maximize attendee networking.

Let attendees discover the ample number of opportunities that lay in front of them, ask attendees their interests and utilize them to search for better matches and alert them using tech like beacons! Provide incentives to the attendees, layout a scoring system which is displayed on a screen at the event venue and so on.

3. Increase Event ROI — Event ROI is an utmost important facet which contributes to measuring the event success for the event organizer. Once the event is over, event analytics assists in figuring out the event ROI. Gamifying the event is a benefit for event organizers as it brings about more engagement, people at the event tend to download the event application and take part just to enjoy some incentives and rewards.

Certain education-centric events use event gamification to share knowledge with their attendees. If attendees actually learn in a playful way they become more interested and hence it leads to an increase in event ROI. Let me state some amazing examples of gamification which helped in increasing the ROI:

Deloitte’s training programs, that were gamified took 50% less time to complete and massively improved long-term employee engagement. — Smartsourcerentals

GMIC at their annual conference provided more concise presentations to attendees, allowed for better group discussions, and provided networking time, which resulted in positive feedback about their gaming app. — Smartsourcerentals

4. Recognition — Appreciating people, recognizing their efforts in participating always drives their attention and creates a zest to continue with the games and challenges. Instant gratification is a major drive force which stirs a buzz in the attendees and encourages them to continue playing or actively participating in the event activities.

Gamifying the event and with attendees actively participating in the games and activities must provide recognition to those who are performing well enough. Attendees can get their scores, earn incentives, rewards which boost their confidence and simultaneously recognition can also make the other fallout attendees gain interest in participating.

5. Feedback — The immediacy of getting feedback from attendees at an event boosts up the event planners and organizers faith in event technology. Event organizers ensure an immersive experience to the attendees and if an attendee provides feedback which might be slightly tilted in a negative direction, the organizer’s tend to fix the issue and provide the audience with much better gamification experience.

Testing a certain group of audience with all the possible scenarios that could be going on during the event is the best way to cover all the aspects provides ultimate gamification experience to the attendees. Real-time feedback is always appreciated by the organizers and incorporating the changes into the game without catching anyone’s attention can be a difficult but achievable task and can be a true game-changer at the events.

Using incentives and survey forms, event organizers can easily get their way into attendees providing reviews. Organizers can also utilize this feedback opportunity in order to gain insights and data which features and activities were most loved by them. This would help them in better future planning and management of events to improvise on the event experiences.

6. Engaging Speaker Presentations –

Speaker presentations are one of the imperative elements of any corporate events. This can be utilized in combination of gamification to completely transform the attendee experience. Instead of giving the old-school PowerPoint presentations, gamification can be used to spice up the speaker presentations.

Incorporating attendee engagement features like live polls, live Q&A sessions keep the audience engaged in the entire presentation. With rewards like points added to their profiles or a winning badge can also be added tips! Interactive displays, twitter wall, live responses on Social Media, etc. can also be used to captivate the audience. For better tricks to learn to make an immersive presentation read here

7. Increase Foot Traffic at Events

At exhibitions and expos, the main intent of event organizers is to bring in as much traffic at their stalls as possible. This can be done in multiple ways; like providing a map of all the stalls and booths in the event app. Interactive maps is an ultimate event technology integrated into the web app as well as the mobile event apps to describe the space of all the booths, conference halls, networking areas in a user-friendly way.

With the event gamification tools, event organizers can motivate attendees to earn reward points, win badges, and get appreciation and recognition by checking in at different stalls and exhibition booths at the event venue. This can be a significant way to increase the foot traffic at various stalls at the venue. Games like Scavenger Hunt can also be leveraged to drive foot traffic to various stalls and booths, encouraging the attendees to network at different booths, fulfilling the motto of event organizers.

8. Crowdsourcing

Gamification can be utilized as one of the best tools used for crowdsourcing by the event organizers at large scale meetings and events. This can be achieved by all the basic ways of gamification such as getting the attendees to interact with one another, providing them an amazing experience.

You can also collect real-time data and feedback by the event attendees and use that to solve the complex problems or analysis of problems using attendee behavior. Companies such as Allstate have turned to crowdsourcing to help them come up with answers to the complex business questions.

They use a website such as — Games With A Purpose that crowdsources information to train their computers to generate more accurate answers.

Want to know more about maximizing audience engagement to create a memorable event with Hubilo? Know more about it here or talk to us.

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Juhi Purswani

Passionate writer, avid reader, quick learner and a tech-enthusiast. Spare time’s energy is spent in dancing and watching Crime and Thriller TV-Series.