Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2018 with HUB Security

Ways to Keep “Cyber Safe” this October

HUB Security
HUB Security
4 min readOct 1, 2018


It’s that time again! And what time you may ask? Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

Opening our doors in December of 2017, we’ve waited for this day (October 1, 2018) since then to make sure we could participate in this month of importance. Not just for us, but for our current interests, future users, and curious individuals alike. We want you to know how to take precautions and remain up to date in this ever-growing digital age.

So, how can you make sure to be “Cyber Aware”? Let’s start off with the first and possibly most obvious:


1. Remember to change your passwords!

Consistently changing your passwords is becoming more and more evidently important as hackings occur left and right on the internet. Making sure your accounts and devices are protected should be on the top of your list in 2018 (and always).

Need some tips on how to make sure your passwords are of the highest strength? Read this article to learn more:

2. Go incognito — mode that is

Don’t want your browser history possibly being checked? Say no more. Google Chrome has an “Incognito Mode” to, well, go blind! Not literal blindness of course, but rather making sure your search history cannot be saved or stored. A good tool for anyone looking for a little cybersecurity awareness!

Small Tip: If you are a Mac user or Windows user, here are the hot keys to access Incognito Mode in Google Chrome...

Mac: Shift + Command + N

Windows: Ctrl + Shift + N

“man using black laptop computer” by NESA by Makers on Unsplash

3. Learn some code

This step is a bit more time consuming, but nevertheless one of the greatest resources for the present and future of Cybersecurity Awareness. Getting down to the nitty gritty of all that is cybersecurity buckles down to the behind the scenes of your computer screen! Not sure where to start?

Visit some of these sites to learn a tidbit of what coding is and find out which computer language is best for you!

1. Code Academy: Free, and Paid. Can’t go wrong here; one of the top sites to learn code.

2. Udemy: Paid. One of the more well-known code learning sites.

3. Skillshare: Free, and Paid classes. Choose from more than just learning how to code!

4. W3Schools: Completely Free! Learn almost any computer language.

HUB at Seoul!

4. Attend cybersecurity conferences

Want to learn what’s going on in the scene of cyber safety to become more attuned to its inner-workings? I’d say Number 4 is one of the most intuitive and smart moves to make when it comes to Cybersecurity Awareness. What better way to expose yourself to cyber security than with training lessons, lectures, people in the scene, networking with hackers and cyber experts and so much more!

Some Cybersecurity and Tech Inspired Conferences and Events:

1. More enthused and infused between tech geeks and tech lovers, learn and experience everything from Art to Artificial Intelligence to Cybersecurity at SXSW. One of the largest digital loving conferences in the world.

2. Something a bit more technical and “techie”: DEFcon. Note: Not for everyone, but what better way to learn about cyber security than through the hackers themselves.

3. I’ve only recently heard of Blackhat, but they are known for technical training lessons. To learn more or attend their event, visit their website.

Overall, Cybersecurity Awareness should be on the top of your list this year seeing that IoT and the digital world are becoming increasingly more important. Technology is advancing and evolving, and we need to make sure we’re set and ready for what’s next. Always take intelligent steps to becoming wiser and more aware of your next move on the internet and with your technological devices. Cheers to Cybersecurity Awareness Month!



HUB Security
HUB Security

Ultra Secure, Military Grade HSM Solutions for Blockchain and Digital Assets //