Tech shouldn’t always be about tech, should it?

HUB Security
2 min readMay 23, 2018


Behind our technologically advanced society, lies human minds and hands who created it.

I think it’s important for an audience to see the transparency of the companies and people behind the craft…

Here at HUB we have computer nerds, hipsters, normies, husbands, daughters, sons, and friends, but most of all family!

Photo by Andrei Lazarev on Unsplash

At our startup we believe that hard work and dedication are just as important as passion and enjoyment.

On that note, every week we’ll show you a bit of what we like to do and who we are behind-the-scenes. Maybe a short bio on one of our team members, a little taste of what we like to eat, or even ways we get to work in the morning.

We want you to be able to see, there is more to life than what’s on the surface.

Stay tuned for more by following our publication



HUB Security

Ultra Secure, Military Grade HSM Solutions for Blockchain and Digital Assets //