3D content Vs. Photos in Retail

Hubstairs Enterprise
4 min readSep 18, 2019

Did you know 3D content is revolutionizing retail product marketing ?
Indeed, all those cozy rooms and scrumptious kitchens are not real — even the ones with messy blankets, magazines, and dishes strewn around!

3D content designed by Hubstairs

3D technology has come a long way and is now capable of creating photorealistic images that are virtually indistinguishable from reality. When this photorealism is combined with extreme flexibility and massive cost reduction, it is hardly a wonder that 3D content has become one of the most popular advertising tools for retailers across industries.

Let’s take a deeper look at why 3D visual content overtook photos to become the preferred product visualization tool for retailers.

You Have Complete Control of the Process and the Result

A photo shoot is dependent on many variables — availability of the equipment and people, time, budget, and, also, the weather. With so many different factors to take care of, photo shoots can be time-consuming, and results are not guaranteed to be perfect. With a lengthy process and many changing factors — the room for error is far greater in a photo shoot.

With 3D software, the process is completely controlled. Every element — lighting, shadows, or reflections — can be changed, added or removed; however you want. With 3D visuals, you will get the best rendering result without the usual “trial and error” scenario.

Fast turnaround time

Photo shoots are highly time-consuming affairs — not just the actual shoot but also choosing the location, transporting equipment and props, creation of the set, and bringing together the whole team can add up to weeks of preparation.

3D is simpler and faster! The process flow is completely different — all the work is done in one studio, usually by the same 3D artist. All that’s needed are initial design specifications and periodic checks to ensure a smooth workflow.

Extreme Flexibility

Imagine putting together a complicated and expensive shoot only to be told that the design of the table has changed? In this scenario, changes can be very costly and seriously delay timelines.

With 3D rendering making alterations is no problem at all. Want to turn night into day, or a beach into a mountain — no change, big or small, is impossible or, for that matter, even difficult. You can pop in at any stage of the creation process and customize your visuals to your heart’s content.

Cost and budget efficiency

The cost of conducting photo shoots outstrips 3D by a mile! From manufacturing a prototype to bringing together an elaborate set and transporting furniture items to paying a whole team of professionals — the entire process of taking traditional photos is costly and extremely inefficient.

3D rendering is much less costly than organizing photo shoots for new variations. — you just have to pay the 3D artist and everything is created digitally on a computer.

One 3D model, many uses

A photograph remains static — beyond retouching and enhancing the colors there isn’t much you can do with it. With 3D visuals, you can make corrections at any stage. A small adjustment can make a significant difference for your visuals.
With 3D technology, you have more possibilities. Indeed, 3D models can be used multiple times to create simple digital ads, 360-degree spin, giant billboards, or interactive room scenes— the possibilities are endless.

High-quality 3D models can also be reused for future use! As digital technologies like AR/VR (Alternative Reality or Virtual Reality), wearable tech and holograms evolve old 3D models can be used again.

Realism guaranteed

Do you know that over 75% of IKEA’s catalogs are 3D renders? All those cozy bedrooms and scrumptious kitchens are not real !

Today, 3D visuals are so realistic that they are easily mistaken for photographs. The technology and its tools have evolved to such an extent that it is impossible to find differences between CGI or photos — in some cases, the colors are currently more correct with 3D visuals.

Product Customization

Product customization are essentials for customers. If you want to showcase many product variations, you should focus on 3D visuals.
Almost every retail store has its product range available in multiple avatars with different colors, sizes, textures, and details. Organizing a photo shoot with each variation can be very costly. For example, a sofa could come in a variety of sizes or colors. Can you imagine producing, shipping and photographing them all separately for each photo shoot ?

Furthermore, 3D rendering allows offering advanced customization experiences to your customers. This goes beyond just showcasing different colors or fabrics, with customization tools/applications your customers can literally build their product on their own.

Enhanced User Experience

Today, customers have many choices — where earlier they only had to choose from a couple of shops in the neighborhood, now ordering a customized piece of furniture from another continent is no big deal. In this uber-crowded marketplace, the only way to stand out is by grabbing the attention of your customers with enhanced user experiences.

3D visualization can be extremely valuable in this scenario — by using interactive, immersive, and interesting 3D content you can nudge your visitors closer to the ‘add to cart’ button.


From manufacturing to marketing, 3D content can bring values and save costs at every stage of your business. It doesn’t matter what you are selling, how extensive your product range is, or how big or small your company is — switching from photos to 3D rendered visuals will undoubtedly benefit your brand.

Don’t know where to start? Browse through some of the designs created by our community of 3D designers at Hubstairs. Drop us an mail at contact@hubstairs.com when you are ready!

