Huddle01’s hack at EthOnline

Ayush Ranjan
Huddle 01
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2021

We at Huddle01 are building a next-generation video conferencing with the broader mission of keeping the internet free of censorship and centralized control.

But like every other great mission, it will take time, effort, and lots of trials to bring it all together. Hackathons are a great way to facilitate this and quench our thirst for innovation.

Last week, one such happened. EthOnline, EthGlobal’s largest hackathon of the year. In this hackathon, our talented team of developers and designers decided to completely overhaul the web2 tech stack with the web3 tech stack.

We are stoked to share with you that the magnificent run of our developers continues from 2020 to 2021. Here is the list of prizes we bagged last week :

Details of the hacks

Livepeer — 1st Prize & Pool Prize

For live streaming on Huddle01, we used Livepeer as our streaming partner. Users can watch the live stream and can even tip on a real-time basis.

Biconomy — Pool Prize

For gasless tipping, we have used biconomy to make tipping easy for users.

NFT Port & Chainlink — Pool Prize

Instead of staring at the blank screen while hosts admit users to the waiting room, we used NFT Port APIs to fetch NFTs and showcase them.

To keep NFTs randomized we used Chainlink’s VRF so that NFTs are selected at random for users in the waiting room.

Status — Pool Prize

For anyone conversing during the live stream, we implemented Waku, which is a decentralized chat.

It was super fun building the future of video conferencing during ETHOnline. This was made possible by the amazing developers and designers in our team.

Hackathons have played an important part in Huddle01’s growth and will continue to play so. Hackathons provide us a platform to showcase the world's developments and simultaneously learn from the community of First-grade developers around the world. Thank you EthGlobal for organizing this. is building the world’s first decentralized video conferencing solution. Do check us out!

