(Finally) announcing Learning Marathon #8

Meet Enrol Yourself’s eighth peer group who have been on a 6 month journey to grow themselves, together…

Monica Cirstet
6 min readOct 8, 2019


The Learning Marathon in Bristol 2019 is the inaugural edition in this fine city, the Mild Mild West (please see Banksy’s mural in Stokes Croft). Meet the very first Bristol Learning Marathon cohort, who are a multidisciplinary group of awesome individuals, all focusing on very different themes, including renewable energy, sustainable farming, collaboration, music in the community and service design.

This summer, I joined Enrol Yourself as a Marketing and Communications intern, and as I near the end of my time here, I can’t believe it’s almost over! It’s been incredibly eye-opening to see what interesting and truly unique things have been grown by all the Learning Marathon-ers. With this particular group being the eighth set of peers to embark on their learning journeys, the superstition of ‘lucky number 8’ seems very fitting. Seeing how they’ve gelled together and done some pretty remarkable, but equally fun things (including a recent immersive musical therapy walking tour), it’s safe to say what this group has is very special.

Without further ado, here’s a closer look at the current participants…

Naufal Jailani

Naufal is a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate at Bristol University. He is determined to pool all of his resources together to combat climate change and help create a sustainable future. Equally, he believes in raising awareness so that individuals can make informed decisions and contribute their own expertise to this issue. He is interested in how we seek to educate and improve ourselves.

Naufal’s Learning Question is ‘how do I pursue my interests consistently and effectively?’

Beth Hammond

Previously, Beth has worked in libraries, volunteered for a charity focused on tackling homelessness, as well as training as an Interfaith Minister. She is currently working as a mixed-media artist and is also interested in music and martial arts.

Beth’s Learning Question is ‘what would a lifelong learning curriculum for the future look like?’

Abi Jones

Becoming involved with Enrol Yourself was one of the first things Abi did after making the move to Bristol. Having previously studied Inclusive Arts Practice at The University of Brighton and created Artspace Brighton — a charity provides a creative studio for people experiencing mental health issues — Abi is keen to challenge herself further. She has worked in a range of roles in the learning disability, mental health and community health improvement fields. She is currently a drug treatment worker in an opioid substitution therapy service. Abi is dedicated to supporting the people she works with in the most collaborative way possible.

Abi’s Learning Question is ‘how can I create and distribute an effective resource to support people struggling to break free of addiction and/or compulsive behaviours?’

Nadia Connell

Nadia is a support worker for people with learning disabilities and a saxophonist on a mission to delve deeper into music-making. She loves improvised music sessions, as she feels that is where she is most in her element. She is passionate about working with different groups of people, particularly teenagers, young adults and people with learning disabilities, and sharing what music has given her in terms of identity, empowerment and confidence.

Nadia’s Learning Question is ‘how can making music help us to grow, discover and understand ourselves, whilst connecting us to and contributing to our community?’

Delia Slucutt

Delia’s love for Bristol and its energy started with her father’s Bristolian roots. She currently works as a trainer, facilitator and event organiser. She likens her passion for learning to a chef who you can never get out of the kitchen.

Delia’s Learning Question is ‘how can I best implement a designed Vision Board workshop for adults in the real world rather than my imagination?’

Jona Conway

Jona is an urban farmer, who lives with his family in in St Werburghs. He currently rears pigs and cows and is looking to inspire the next generation of urban farmers to help secure the future of food and reconnect people with nature. He is passionate about continuously developing himself as a person and become a better leader, to help regenerate what he refers to as ‘dilapidated smallholdings in the city’.

Jona’s Learning Question is ‘how can I help lead the regeneration of urban smallholdings?’

Claire Barrett

Claire works as a user experience designer in Bristol, at a digital product agency called Mubaloo. Although at work she focuses on solving problems for commercial clients, she is interested in exploring how she can utilise her understanding of design and tech to tackle societal issues such as equality and mental health. Equally, she is excited to see how a purpose project can bring additional meaning and enrichment to her life.

Claire’s Learning Question is ‘using my skills in human-centred design, how can I transform workplace mental health services?’

Kim Creus

Kim is a communications officer who has been working in the charity sector for the last 6 years. She is passionate about the environment and positive change and tries to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Outside of work, she enjoys gardening, using the produce she grows to make delicious meals, crocheting and pottery.

Kim’s Learning Question is ‘how can I transfer my communications skills into a consultancy career?’

Lara Kramer

Lara is a youth and education specialist, with experience across several areas including youth work, project delivery and income generation. She describes herself as a strong innovative leader and is well equipped in areas such as strategy and decision making. Lara is interested in the relationship between community and collaboration, and wellbeing. She says her family motivates her to achieve a good work-life balance, and drives her to become the best version of herself.

Lara’s Learning Question is ‘how can I encourage collaboration rather than competition?’

Kimberly De Portela E Prado

Kimberly wears a lot of hats in her day-to-day life, from a mother dedicated to empowering her daughter, to a human rights activist researching and working for the freedom of all in the antislavery movement. She says she loves to dance and cook and wishes for all these to intersect in celebration and activism in the future.

Kimberly’s Learning Question is ‘how can I best serve in the Anti-slavery movement while being a successful mother and also earn a good living?’

Anna Rowlands (host)

Anna is a freelance facilitator, learning designer, coach and massage therapist, trying her hand at various trades and enjoying discovering the cross-overs between them. Ultimately, Anna seeks to explore people’s inner resources alongside them, through the powers of listening, touch and connection. More recently she has worked with education and arts charities in London, Brighton and Bristol, managing, designing and delivering youth, educator and leadership development programmes. She is committed to finding ways to keep life fresh and exciting, immersing herself in environments and settings where she can witness and experience growth.

Anna’s Learning Question is ‘how can I promote wellbeing and connection in my myself and my communities?’

Does Enrol Yourself or the #LearningMarathon sound appealing?

Find out more on the Enrol Yourself website.

