The Value of Social Networks

Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2019

Does your community give back to you? We’re not talking about your neighbors or the town council — we’re talking about a community that, statistically speaking, you interact with more regularly: your online social network.

As of 2018, 68 percent of adults in the US have a Facebook account and the majority of those adults use Facebook on a daily basis. About 50 percent of US college graduates use LinkedIn, and the global social media market is forecast to surpass $44 billion in 2019.

$44 billion. That’s a lot of money for an industry that, upon reflection, is shoving most of the work off on its customers. If you’re now thinking that you might be entitled to some of that pie, we agree. And we’re doing our part to share your fair slice with you.

Social Networks Rake in the Money but Don’t Pay Their Content Creators — You

Consider this: In the life of a typical social network, platform developers and investors work together in the initial stages by building and funding the network. They supply the initial value in the form of the network itself, a functional (if often buggy) utility with which users can post and interact with one another. However, as time progresses, the users ultimately contribute more to the network than the developers and investors. It’s user-created content that you interact with every time you check your Facebook — not lengthy, peer-edited research papers. Without users, a social network has nothing — no articles, no videos, no photos, no job postings — of monetary value.

Yet when it comes time to giving out monetary rewards, the users receive nothing. All profit goes to management while users are mined for even more value. Individual users’ buying habits, browsing history, interests, and other data are collected and sold to enable more accurate ad-targeting for corporations, often involving consumer data of one company’s customers being sold to other companies. In the end, users are, ironically, the ones being used, pouring value into platforms that do not return the investment.

There are exceptions to this rule (e.g., YouTube pays content creators who bring in enough views), but we can do more to even the playing field. That’s why Huddl has focused on creating a social network that rewards its users.

Huddl Rewards Users

The purpose of the Huddl platform is to even the playing field for investors. Banding together in pods and clusters (the investment group sizes from smallest to largest), users can pool their money together and use their collective buying power to obtain access to investment options usually reserved for the wealthy.

Besides providing this platform and the many investments benefits that come with it, Huddl is committed to rewarding its users who bring in value. We award HUDDL tokens — the primary currency used on our platform — to individuals who contribute to their teams by serving as team managers, coordinators, etc. These tokens can help offset platform fees and unlock numerous premium features.

We are rewarding users who bring us the greatest asset of all: more users. As part of our Founding Member Referral Program, we’re rewarding users who refer new users to the platform; for every person you refer, you and your referral each receive 10 tokens, plus an additional 10 tokens when you connect your other social accounts with Huddl. In addition to our standard rewards, 250,000+ bonus tokens are tiered among the top 10, 100 and 1,000 referrers.

We know that without our users — without you — there is no social network. It’s time you start getting rewarded for the value you bring in. We’re all neighbors here, and at Huddl, neighbors take care of one another.

Visit to sign up and claim your first reward.

