You pre-ordered Huddly GO. Now what?

Let us show you what is happening behind the scenes while you are waiting for your camera

Huddly Inc.
4 min readFeb 17, 2017


We know you’re excited about receiving your order: the world’s smallest intelligent collaboration camera.

But now what? Waiting is hard, and even the cutest Facebook posts and Instagram pics are not fully alleviating the anxiety of anticipation. We totally get that (yet, we still recommend that you follow us on Social Media).

So, we decided to open up the curtains to show you what is happening behind the scenes while you are waiting for your Huddly GO.

What we are doing while you are waiting

1. We have processed your order

We have registered your interest, and now our Logistics Managers (accompanied by our Chief-of-Everything, i.e. our intern) are negotiating the best deals with delivery agents to get you the best price when we are ready to ship.

2. We are making sure your Huddly GO is of exceptional quality

Huddly GO is not your conventional USB-cam. Huddly GO is the next-generation intelligent collaboration tool that fits into your pocket. Our engineers are working days (and even occasional nights) to make sure your GO becomes your most-valued team member. From lenses to chips, and from casing to packaging, we do our best to craft the perfect intelligent camera that we know how to build (and we’ve been known to build some pretty good cameras).

3. We are finalizing how to get Huddly GO to you

We want you to have the best possible experiences, so we are being extremely selective with our partnerships.

4. We are testing your camera

Before Huddly GO goes out of the door, we test the camera’s software, optics, casing, cables, packaging… everything! We even test if it looks good enough to brag about in front of friends. We test the feeling of the box. We test if it fits a conventional pocket… You get it. We test everything. Many times.

5. We are adding intelligent features to your camera (can’t tell you now, but you’ll be amazed)

The beauty of Huddly GO lies in the software. We use our engineering power to bring you the high-end professional video and build unique experiences that add intelligence to your work and life. It takes time to make it perfect, but we are here for a fair game.

We think that people deserve to communicate naturally, and we are putting all our efforts to make Huddly understand people and their environments. And with the latest Deep Learning grant from the Norwegian Research Council (which, by the way, was highly competitive), we have a lot to add to your experience.

6. We seek input from the market and use it to finalize the product

We have recently concluded our pre-launch program which provided tremendous validation and direction. We attended industry events and actively communicated with our prelaunch customers to fix imperfections. We spoke with experts in the field and analyzed feedback. We put out ourselves out there.

Yes, it gave us attention that we definitely value, but it also gave us valuable information that we now use to make Huddly GO a perfect product.

7. We optimize our supply chain

We make our cameras in Norway. It was a strategic decision of which we are highly proud (read an article about that in Norwegian).

Having our production close to R&D is essential for us to ensure the best quality. Bringing the production home has its own challenges, and we are bravely facing them, because we take quality close to heart.

8. We look for and hire the best people in the industry

We started the company when we were just 2. Now we are 28. Building Huddly GO requires people with different expertise, and we are actively looking for people with exceptional talents in areas from industrial design to software engineering.

Introducing Casey King on Twitter

So, how much longer do I have to wait?

We are a startup, and though we do all we can to democratize the high-end video and bring it right to you in no time, there are a still few things we want to take care of before we launch. Thank you so much for your patience!

The answer to your question: We are entering the market in the 2nd Quarter of 2017. Can’t wait!

You can Pre-order Huddly GO now. Or have a look at our website, read more and sign up for news updates from our team.

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Huddly Inc.

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. — Henri Ford