Litres and litres of water…and prehistoric men!

Eléonore Huez
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2020

After spending two days in Zagreb, we decided to park our campervan in a parking next to a swimming pool with only electricity. The city was called Krapinske and there we visited a museum and a castle.

The museum was all about Neanderthals. It showed that if the earth was alive for 24 hours, humans would only have been on earth for 3 seconds!! The exhibits also showed us bones of the Neanderthals and a really great movie showed us how they hunted and where they would have lived. It also explained people’s different theories of evolution and where we come from. For example some people used to argue that if we all came from Adam and Eve, how come some people had darker skin. To that, the Pope just said we all come from Adam and Eve and that’s it! So Darwin’s theory of evolution revolutionised everything. It was really interesting and I actually learned a lot of things!

Neanderthal museum (this is the timeline of the Earth's lifetime)

The castle in question was located at the top of a hill. It was made to look like a medieval castle but it was in fact, built in the 19th century. And at the foot of the castle, was a lake (artificial though) where you could rent pedal boats for half an hour. So we did and got the prettiest view of the castle with its reflection in the lake. We even saved a dehydrated worm 😂

Mum and I on the pedal boat with the castle behind

The next day, we woke up at 7:30 to go and visit the Plitvče National Park, where, as you probably guessed, there is a LOT of water!

Let me explain, basically, it seems as though Croatia has decided to put all of the country’s lakes and waterfalls in the same place! There are little lakes, big lakes, deep lakes, shallow lakes and small waterfalls, massive waterfalls, thin waterfalls and gushing waterfalls, all that in the SAME National Park!

When we got there, I was definitely not expecting that! I was amazed by the transparency of the water from the lake and from afar it looked a beautiful turquoise! Imagine that and then add some lush green hills covered in trees, and you’ll have a beautiful but not even close picture in your head of how beautiful it was.

Group picture in front of a waterfall

Most of the walk was a boardwalk, and because, lucky us, there were way fewer people than usual because of Covid-19, we took our time to admire each place. It was really hot though! Another annoying thing is that if you put together heat and water, you get mosquitoes 🦟 🤢🤮. I managed to only get one bite, when I’m usually the one who gets bitten the most!

view from above (there's no one!)

Now we are in an amazing camping site, with two pools, so that makes for even more water! 😅

I think you’ve guessed by now I really liked the pedal boats, the museum and the waterfalls and lakes; all this water is great and I definitely recommend it to everyone reading!


