The leaning tower of Pisa: a great building!

Raphaël Huez
Published in
Jun 17, 2020

Hi 👋🏼 this is Raphael and in this blog I will be talking about the leaning tower of Pisa.

On the way to Elba island we stopped at the leaning tower of Pisa. When we arrived at the city of Pisa, we took a hot dog 🌭 and went to see the tower. I was like “How can it lean like that without falling?" The tower wasn’t meant to lean.

When they were building it in the 12th century, they noticed it was leaning so they stopped the building for 100 years. Then they tried to correct it but it didn’t work and it leaned more and more. The people were scared that it would fall so they had a big meeting in 1990. The Japanese suggested that they break it down and reconstruct it, the Russians said that they could take off the base of the tower because it made the whole tower lean, and the Chinese said that they should put another tower leaning against the tower. It would be transformed from “the leaning tower of Pisa" to “the leaning towerS of Pisa”! It would be less famous, but it would still work! In the end they pulled it back with cables of steel.

When we went up the tower, we were been pushed side to side because we were going up in a spiral and the tower leans…

All in all I loved the leaning tower of Pisa. It is an amazing and famous structure for its inclination. It was great to see the tower with very few people because of covid.


