From Science to Data Science

Hugo Ferreira
Hugo Ferreira’s blog
2 min readMar 3, 2018

Welcome to my new blog!

Greetings from Lisbon!

Here I will be blogging about my journey into Data Science and Machine Learning, from new concepts I’m learning, to events I’m participating, and projects I’m working on. I’m a Physicist and Mathematician by training and, as so many of my fellow colleagues at various points in their lives, I’m planning to swap Einstein’s equations and differential geometry with DataFrames and Machine Learning algorithms!

A bit of info about myself and my background. I studied Physics Engineering in my home town of Lisbon, Portugal, in Instituto Superior Técnico, after which I did a Master in Mathematics in the University of Cambridge (the old Part III of Mathematical Tripos) and PhD in Mathematics in the University of Nottingham, in the UK. And, as a postdoctoral researcher, I worked until recently in Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), in Pavia, Italy. In the last few years, I have worked in the exciting field of black hole Physics: their mathematical description, in what conditions they are stable to external perturbations and, when they aren’t, their eventual fate.

Random Physics equations in a blackboard.

Now, I’m back in Lisbon, where I still continue my research in Mathematical Physics, and I have started to learn the basics of Data Science. In future blog posts, I’ll describe my experience studying Data Science, events and meetups I’ll be participating and some of the small Data Science projects I’ve started.

Why start a blog about the journey to Data Science? If you do a quick search online, you’ll find dozens (maybe hundreds!) of articles and blog posts telling you how to become a data scientist, everything you have to learn, and the million things you have to master! Don’t worry, this post won’t be another one of those! But one suggestion is common to virtually all of them (and also to people I’ve talk to): start a blog and write about Data Science.

And so here I am! I’ve never written a blog before, so this will be a new experience to me. Feel free to send me feedback! You can also find me here:



Hugo Ferreira
Hugo Ferreira’s blog

Data Scientist and Machine Learning enthusiast; physicist and maths geek.