The Secret Ingredient for Performance: Conversations.

Making Workplace Dialogue a Competitive Advantage

Dehumo Bickersteth
Human at work
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2023


For leaders seeking to spur innovation, communication may be the least glamorous area to focus on. Yet it is conversations — not flashy tech tools or rigid processes — that unlock collective potential. Here’s why dialogue should be every company’s competitive advantage.

Conversation as the Crucible of Collaboration

Think of a team that works together seamlessly, where one member builds on another’s idea while bantering comfortably. Passionate debates lead to wise decisions, conflicts are aired out and then resolved, and people leave meetings energized and aligned.

However, this level of fluid collaboration does not happen magically. It is forged through quality conversations that reflect psychological safety, trust, and care. Building relationships through engaged listening and candid expression allows teams to access more of their collective intelligence.

Conversations construct the shared reality in which any group operates. Leaders who intentionally create spaces for dialogue make headway on goals and accelerate individual growth. Groups flourish through cooperative inquiry and co-creation. Ultimately, people support what they help build.

How Breakdowns Unlock Breakthroughs

It is natural to have communication breakdowns from time to time. These can lead to tense interactions that reveal misunderstandings, important issues being ignored, or a lack of alignment. Even though these moments can be uncomfortable, they also provide a great opportunity to improve things.

Just like equipment failures can expose how things work, conversational breakdowns can reveal hidden norms, assumptions, and power dynamics that need to be examined. With compassion and courage, we can use these moments of friction to find a way forward. We can either withdraw further or lean into the tension and work through the issues together.

By helping groups navigate through challenging situations with humility and care, we can help them become more resilient. If we acknowledge that another person’s truth is just as valid as our own, we can avoid judging their intentions. Sharing our perspectives and exploring different viewpoints can lead to new possibilities for reframing issues and finding solutions. Working through challenges together can also bring people closer and deepen their relationships.

Shared Understanding Drives Results

Organizational success depends on shared understanding, which is known as intersubjectivity. It means that individuals experience overlapping realities. Intersubjectivity can be achieved by relating authentically, actively listening, and considering alternate viewpoints.

Building mutual comprehension requires effort, but it fosters trust and accurate communication. As we achieve common ground, language itself evolves to bridge divergent worlds.

This leads to cooperative effort and shared purpose, where the contributions of each person are synchronized and attuned like an ensemble. When people feel heard, their passions interconnect, and their aspirations fuse, resulting in group genius that transcends individual contributions.

3 Ways to Champion Transformative Dialogue

Instilling a few core principles in workplace conversations can yield incredible dividends over time:

1. Encourage Psychological Safety

Ensure people feel respected and valued to enable authentic expression and reduce fear.

2. Integrate Multiple Perspectives

Proactively seek out contradictory voices and divergent ideas to expand possibilities.

3. Reinforce Intersubjectivity

Continuously reflect back, others’ messages to strengthen mutual understanding.

When leaders embody these practices, their actions have a positive impact that spreads to others. As employees start using these conversational techniques within their own teams and social circles, new norms are established. Over time, these skills will become more widespread, leading to overall improvement in society’s collective potential.

As the future becomes more complex and uncertain, it is important for leaders to promote workplace dialogue and establish shared realities. By doing this, organizations can better prepare to navigate whatever challenges come their way, together.

So, will you begin cultivating your organization’s competitive advantage through conversation? The world needs what will emerge.

If you’d like to have a conversation about this or anything else of mine you’ve seen or read that triggered your interest, please use the link below to find a time that works for you for us to have a conversation. I am looking forward to it.

Exploratory Conversation | Dehumo Bickersteth

This article incorporates text generated with the assistance of GPT & Claude, advanced language models developed by OpenAI and Anthropic, respectively, and Grammarly Go.



Dehumo Bickersteth
Human at work

Development Strategist: Individual & organizational leadership solutions designed for your unique context and challenges.