Human Behavior

The Smart Way to Respond to Negative Emotions at Work

Paul Simos
Human Behavior
5 min readJul 7, 2022


Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

The smart way to respond to negative emotions at work. How many times have you had negative emotions rise up inside of you, take control of you, within a heartbeat, when:

  • Someone gives you THAT look…
  • A very important deadline is missed…
  • An intense argument with a colleague…
  • You don’t get the promotion…
  • You lose a major sale…

You feel, angry, sad, let down, cheated, misunderstood, even fearful, depressed, or guilty.

With these negative feelings (States of Mind) now taking over your intellectual property (logic & reason) you find yourselves operating out of your reptilian brain, the fight or flight brain.

Now you are on a downward spiral which can be very unproductive and takes hours, days, or even weeks for some people to completely get over it and recover.

To remain in this “state of mind” is not smart and very unproductive for yourself, those around you, and your work KPIs. So what is the smart way to respond to negative emotions at work?

The Smart Way to Respond to Negative Emotions at Work.

