Patagonia, Hustle With Human

We want to join forces with Patagonia to help protect our public lands.

Sarah Lorek
Human Design
5 min readApr 24, 2017


Our Vision for the Work

Why We’re Doing This

Human Design is passionate about protecting our public lands. We recently read an article by patagonia Founder Yvon Chouinard which noted the importance of our public lands remaining in the hands of American citizens. We’re so passionate about this that we wanted to elaborate on the idea.

Our team took three hours to engage in what we call a Human Hustle.

Here’s a Look at Our Approach for Patagonia…

Defining The Problem

It’s clear to us, from what Yvonne Chouinard and others have written on the topic that National parks are currently being threatened by big oil and gas interests. Our tax dollars go towards funding these parks, so every American citizen is essentially “investing” in them. Patagonia is leading the charge to help protect these lands. We found causes like this across different areas of their e-commerce site and other sites, but we believe the problem is…

There’s not enough connection between the public lands that Patagonia supports and the products they sell.

Outlining the Opportunity

People connect to land deeply. We always care about the places we play in and explore. The opportunity we see for Patagonia is to more closely pair their products with the public lands they support. Each public land has a story, history, unique essence, and its own set of environmental characteristics that could map directly to Patagonia’s diverse product offering.

Imagine a “Public Lands Patagonia Collection.” They’ve already tailored their product to pair perfectly with the unique stories, activities, and essence of the lands they support. We’re not recommending they create new products, but instead categorize the products they already have to match them up with the respective public lands.

Patagonia should use the passion their consumers have for public lands to sell products that are relevant to that location.

As an example, the current buyer flow looks like this…

A Patagonia customer who rock climbs in Bears Ears purchases their climbing gear and knows that a percentage of their purchase helps Patagonia preserve land all over the globe.

And this is our proposed buyer flow for the “Public Lands Collection”…

A Patagonia customer who rock climbs in Bears Ears purchases their climbing gear because a percent of their proceeds helps Patagonia preserve Bears Ears, Utah.

Visualizing the Idea

We sketched the idea on our whiteboard walls to show the concept for the Public Lands Collection.

Outlining Our Concept for Patagonia

STEP 1: Announce the Public Lands Collection

Email Announcement to Patagonia List

This piece starts by building awareness. Show customers how they can support the public areas they care about most by purchasing Patagonia products. This shopping experience wouldn’t replace the current Patagonia site, but would work within the existing platform. It would be similar to,where users could purchase products and a large percent of the money would go towards protecting public lands.

STEP 2: Tell Stories About Public Lands

Marketing campaigns would send users to an interactive map of America, where they can learn stories about the threatened public lands. The customers can even click to view products relevant to the area they’re viewing.

Step 3: Make the Connection Between Land and Product

Our High Fidelity Mockup of the Teton National Park Story

Users could go to a page that mixes both story and product. They would then see why public lands are important, and would get a sneak peak into the history of the land. We would emphasize the story of the land first, leading with the history and heritage. The goal of the story would be to help remind us of the emotional connection we have to our favorite places.

Let the identity of the land sell the spirit of the product.

Step 4: Shop to Support Public Lands

When buying a product from a specific Public Lands Collection, 20% of the purchase would go towards supporting that specific public land (or any other set amount that Patagonia sees fit). Patagonia could also encourage users to donate their own money in addition to the purchase, and Patagonia could match it up to a dollar amount. Users could even earn points towards future purchases.

Watch Our Human Hustle In Action

Our Human Hustle

Fun Facts

  • In one hour, we dove into Patagonia’s brand and causes
  • We timed ourselves, and executed this hustle in three hours
  • We created all the hybrid high fidelity comps in under one hour
  • Human Design views this as exercise. It helps us stay on our toes, challenge each other, and think quickly
  • We want to work with Patagonia. Tweet this if you agree:

.@patagonia We want to help keep #publiclandsinpublichands. Here’s the idea: #movethehumanrace #HustlewithHuman

What’s Next?

patagonia, we executed all of this in under half a day. Imagine what else we could create together.

Learn more at to see how you can #HustlewithHuman and we’ll #movethehumanrace together.



Sarah Lorek
Human Design

Content Strategist/Founder at, Global Content Manager for Trimble, Amy Schumer Enthusiast, Pretend Iron Chef.