More than 35 conservation leaders call on Trump to speak out against hatred

The Wilderness Society
Human Development Project
5 min readDec 6, 2016

“We call on President-elect Trump to put out a statement that is inclusive of all people.”

Conservation leaders who typically spend their time addressing environmental degradation and climate change united to send a message to Trump about human and civil rights this week.

A total of 36 leaders from environmental and conservation groups nationwide, including our organization The Wilderness Society, signed on to a statement of solidarity, pledging to oppose hatred and abuses of human and civil rights and asking President-elect Trump to follow in kind.

Through this letter, we call on our allies that have not yet done so to join us in solidarity with frontline communities, beginning with making a public statement and pledging to support building an inclusive future for all communities.

“As so many people in the United States and around the world are witnessing a rise in intolerance and hate, addressing these injustices head on is paramount to our common cause, protecting a healthy planet for all people,” said Jamie Williams, president of The Wilderness Society.

“As our statement says, ‘the environmental movement is, at its heart, about protecting the home we all share, not just for ourselves but for the generations to come. There is a place for everyone in that home. But there is not a place for hate.’”

Read the full statement here:

Environmental Leaders’ Statement on Civil and Human Rights, Social Justice and an Inclusive Economy

As leaders of the U.S. environmental movement, we are mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, white, black, Latino, Asian, Native American, of many creeds, faiths and religions. We come from diverse backgrounds and near infinite preferences and beliefs. But above all, we are concerned individuals and concerned members of the human race.

For these reasons, we join our voices with millions across the United States and around the world who are speaking out against the intolerance we are witnessing because we believe in justice for all and equal protection under the law. We will advocate to protect our rights to clean air and water, to dwell in a livable climate and to exercise our freedom of religion and cultural beliefs. We are united in guarding our natural spaces, and preserving the diverse and abundant life that shares our world.

We stand in solidarity with national and global movements for civil rights and social justice, to end structural racism and to empower women, people of color, immigrants, indigenous, disabled, and LGBTQi people as fully equal and fully safe members of our society. We will champion efforts to foster an inclusive economy that is both just and sustainable.

The environmental movement is, at its heart, about protecting the home we all share, not just for ourselves but for the generations to come. There is a place for everyone in that home. But there is not a place for hate. We have witnessed with alarm the rapid, abhorrent and dangerous rise in racist and violent acts in communities across the nation in the wake of the election, and we condemn the language and actions during and since the election that have fostered or encouraged those acts.

We will oppose hatred and abuses of civil and human rights because they are incompatible with a just and sustainable future. Creating that future requires inclusion and equality — and the unequivocal defense of both.

We call on our allies that have not yet done so to join us in solidarity with frontline communities, beginning with making a public statement and pledging to support building an inclusive future for all communities.

And we call on President-elect Trump to put out a statement that is inclusive of all people, expresses respect and understanding for the fears many Americans are now feeling, and upholds the unique and grave responsibility of the Presidency to protect all Americans equally. In doing so, we demand that all his nominees and appointees honor fundamental civil rights and embody civility befitting the offices for which they have been selected. Therefore, we call on the President-elect to rescind the appointment of Steven Bannon as Chief Strategic Advisor and withdraw the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General to signify his move to represent all equally and protect the rights of all people.

Protection of our planet is an absolute necessity for the survival and health of the human race and other species. And a strong commitment to human rights for all is a fundamental building block to the protection of our planet.

Michael Brune
Executive Director Sierra Club

Keya Chatterjee
Executive Director
US Climate Action Network

Allison Chin
Board Member
Sierra Club and Women’s Voices for the Earth
Green Leadership Trust, Co-Chair

Jamie Rappaport Clark
President Defenders of Wildlife

Tony DeFalco
Board Member
Green Leadership Trust Steering Committee

Dianne Dillon-Ridgley
Board Member
National Wildlife Federation and Center for International Environmental Law
Green Leadership Trust Steering Committee

Dr. Michael K. Dorsey
National Sierra Club Board

Michel Gelobter
Board Member
Ceres and CalCEF

Carmen G. Gonzalez
Board Member

Reginald “Flip” Hagood
Governing Council Member
The Wilderness Society
Green Leadership Trust, Co-Chair

David Hahn-Baker
Clean Water Fund
Green Leadership Trust Steering Committee

Jamie Hoyte
Board Member and Treasurer
Union of Concerned Scientists
Green Leadership Trust Steering Committee

John E Huerta
Board Member Emeritus
National Parks Conservation Association

Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters

Ken Kimmell
Union of Concerned Scientists

Annie Leonard
Executive Director
Greenpeace US

Mark Magaña
Board Member
League of Conservation Voters
Green Leadership Trust Co-Chair

Aaron Mair
Board Chair, Sierra Club
Board Member, Arbor Hill Environmental Justice
Green Leadership Trust Steering Committee

Juan D. Martinez
Board Member
The Wilderness Society

Anuja Mendiratta
Emeritus Board Member
Women’s Voices for the Earth

Carroll Muffett
Center for International Environmental Law

Brian O’Donnell
Executive Director
Conservation Lands Foundation

Angela Park
Angela Park Consulting

Audrey Peterman
Board Member
National Parks Conservation Association

Erich Pica
Friends of the Earth US

Adrianna Quintero
Board Member
US Climate Action Network

Lauret Savoy
National Parks Conservation Association

John Seager
Population Connection

Patrice L. Simms
Howard University School of Law

Tamara Toles O’Laughlin
Board Member, Women’s Voices for the Earth
Vice President, DC Ecowomen
Green Leadership Trust Steering Committee

Catherine Thomasson, M.D.
Executive Director
Physicians for Social Responsibility

Vien Truong
Green for All

Trip Van Noppen

Robert Wendelgass
Clean Water Action

Guy O. Williams
Board Member
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy

Jamie Williams
The Wilderness Society



The Wilderness Society
Human Development Project

The Wilderness Society’s mission is to protect wilderness and inspire Americans to care for our wild places.