One World Play Project Is Turning The World Into A Playground

BriÁnna Ploude
Human Development Project
2 min readOct 23, 2015


It all started with a ball. And the rest? Well, it’s making history.

In 2006, One World Futbol Founder, Tim Jahnigen was moved by news footage of children playing soccer in Darfur, Sudan, using a ball they had rolled together from trash and twine. He realized if these kids, in these conditions, could play with such indestructible spirits, then they deserved to play with a ball that was just like them — indestructible.

Fast forward two years. Jahnigen brought up the concept of creating an indestructible ball to his friend, and world-renowned entertainer, Sting, and there you have the initial research and development funding to create the prototype for One World Futbol. Finally, in 2010, the idea came to fruition, and the company launched. Their mission? To bring the transformative power of play to youth living in disadvantaged communities around the globe.

Fast forward another two years. Chevrolet became the founding sponsor and pledged, with One World Futbol, to support the donation and distribution of 1.5 million Chevy-sponsored balls to programs and schools worldwide. And, in September of 2014, One World Futbol Project and Chevy, celebrated the delivery of their 1 millionth futbol, bringing their total impact to over 30 million children around the world.

This indestructible, ultra-durable ball is made from non-toxic, cross-linked, closed-cell foam that is built to withstand harsh environments without wearing out. The material was created for practical flexibility and durability. And, the best part for the children who use them is they don’t require a pump, and will never go flat, even if punctured.

But, their story isn’t just about a ball. It’s about the impact they’re making. One World Futbols are used by global organizations to teach a number of life lessons. By using sports and play, children are learning conflict resolution, gender equality, health awareness, and other essential life skills. And — One World operates under a one-for-one model, so with every purchase of a ball, another ball is donated to youth in need in areas such as refugee camps, war zones, disaster areas and inner cities. To date, One World Futbol has reached over 45 million children around the world.

So, how can you get involved? Make a purchase, give, or read more on the One World Play Project blog, and help turn the world into a playground.

