
A Love’s Aftertaste

Jui Han
Human Diary
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2024


Photo by Saffu on Unsplash

I met love happy
Welcomed all of it
Embraced what it gave me including the things I hardly accept

Sway me but gently
wounds are long gone
but do you see the scars?
Painful when cold

Wounds are left by the one who broke me
asked him to stitch back — begged him
Pity it is to be left open
Bleeding — alone

Small unsightly stitches
keep count?
900 less than 83
An almost three year-round breaking

Look at my eyes
they are not my eyes
All I can see is what he made me
Mine were poked out and never returned

Blame it on me
I blame it on me
They blame it on me,
“She never asked.”

Speak to me, but bear with me
for I cannot hear you
My ears were blocked by words;
“You don’t deserve to be happy.”

Repetition can damage
Repetition can damage
Repetition can damage
A proof, need be?
For a small act intentionally repeated can damage — kill even.

Left alone to heal
Little things affirmations can do
Tiny holes on what blocked
enough to hear an unclear sound

My nose requires me of candles — scented
I can smell him everywhere
I feel my lungs detaching from my nose
I want to stop breathing

Touch me — Hurry, hug me
Numbing out
Feel, I can’t, same way you do
I know of your presence
and what you do
But give back I cannot
My senses are unable to

I long to smile as wide as I can
but I can’t.
No one should see my tongue
It is not mine
Mine was cut-off
buried somewhere I can’t find with words,
words I have to tell you
Herewith is a tongue-like structure
gel stitched pretty well to speak
Speak I still can
but not the way that I used to

Forgive me for what I lack
For I have loved,
and stripped out of every function
An aftertaste — lingering

Thank you for reading. 🌷

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What am I cooking?

A community that wants to preserve humanity.

— Human Diary



Jui Han
Human Diary

The child. An odd story teller. Keeper of Human Diary. © Ann