The Future-Proof Analyst: Thriving Amid Complexity and Real-World Challenges

Allan O
Human Factors and Change


Rick, a 34-year-old Australian Data Analyst, sitting at his workstation, surrounded by complex datasets and AI tools, medium: digital photography, style: contemporary office environment with a touch of futuristic technology, lighting: soft overhead lighting with accentuated glow from computer screens, colours: neutral tones with pops of blue from the screens, Midjourney prompt.
Source: Midjourney

In the ever-shifting landscape of data analysis and business intelligence, the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report highlights a crucial reality: 50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025.

Among the emerging skills? Resilience, psychological flexibility, and adaptability.



Allan O
Human Factors and Change

Senior organisational change manager. Psychologist. Author of The Change Manager’s Companion.