100 Ways To Happiness

MC Dean
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2015
  1. Be the first to smile

2. Practice Yoga

3. Greet strangers like you greet friends

4. Eat honey out of the jar with your fingers

5. Ride your bike

6. Wear a helmet

7. Exhale all the way out often

8. Lay in the grass

9. Call your parents

10. Savour food

11. Name at least 5 things every day that you are grateful for

12. Laugh openly

13. Don’t be afraid to touch people

14. Be in this moment

15. Always do the right thing

16. Take care of your feet and hands

17. Accept Others differences

18. Send postcards, even if you’re home

19. Draw what you see with abandon

20. Attentively listen when others are speaking

21. Take regular walks

22. When you wash your hands, enjoy the water and the soap

23. Visit art exhibitions and observe how they make you feel

24. Always volunteer for public speaking when it’s about things you love

25. Visit the fine line between fear and excitement regularly

26. Make a new friend

27. Eat local

28. Be generous with your compliments

29. Don’t judge, even if you feel judged

30. Forgive, forgive, forgive again

31. Practice non-attachment to people, objects, thoughts, feelings…

32. Be kind to those suffering (everyone)

33. Run barefoot

34. Learn something from everyone

35. Never be too busy for a kiss and a cuddle

36. Send Thank you cards not texts

37. Question everything but never shoot the messenger

38. Read inspiring stories and share them

39. Learn to cook something new

40. Keep your secrets

41. Honour others

42. Laugh more

43. Make an awesome playlist

44. Clean your apartment

45. Pay for someone else once in a while

50. Listen to music from all over the world

51. Persist

52. Don’t be afraid to be different

53. Don’t try to be different

54. Travel

55. Spend time with children

56. Spend time with elderly people

57. Say “no” enough

58. Say “yes” enough

59. Get good headphones

60. Get up early

61. Don’t hide your vulnerability, it’s what connects you to others

62. Ride rollercoasters

63. Pick your favourite fruit and describe it in as many ways as you can

64. Close your eyes and rely on your other senses

65. Don’t argue, walk away

66. Be prepared to change your mind

67. Paint your toes in a colour that makes you smile

68. Celebrate the successes of others

69. Sleep early

70. Grow things from seeds

71. Be colourful

72. Wear comfortable shoes

73. Don’t be afraid to get wet, walk in the rain and into the ocean

74. Enjoy your guilty pleasures, but don’t be addicted to them

75. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need, you’re stealing from yourself

76. Sponsor a child

77. Simplify

78. Have a reusable water bottle on you

79. If you are a Yogi, practice all 8 limbs, no just Asana

80. Speak to those no one speaks to

81. Meet your neighbours

82. Get a pet

83. Refuse to rush

84. Sit on the floor every day

85. Buy a tube of soap bubbles and blow some

86. Gift your favourite book to someone every so often

87. Give the senses a rest and turn off the devices at home

88. Take a class in something new and random

89. Meditate or try to

90. Moisturize

91. Doodle

92. Donate all the stuff you don’t use or wear

93. Be kind to yourself

94. Nurture your friendships

95. Take an Espon salt bath

96. Buy flowers for someone

97. Write a poem

98. Feel your breath in your body

99. Do things without attachment to the outcome

100. Love ❤



MC Dean

Head of Product @The Mintable | Designer | Maker | Meditator