Directory of Neuroscience

John Lo
Human Intelligence
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2019

Answers on neuroscience are indexed according to different perspectives for viewing our brain.

Part 1 Properties of our brain


How complex is the human brain?


I usually wake up very thirsty every day, is that normal?

Why waking up in the dream cause so much more fatigue than physically waking up?

How are we able to wake up from dreaming, fall back asleep soon after, and continue that same dream?

Is it possible to be conscious and unconscious at the same time while sleeping?

Part 2 Functions of our brain


Cognitive Psychology: What is the difference between “rule learning” and “example learning”?

What is chunk or chunking in learning?

What is the best way to evolve your understanding of the world and remove bias about other cultures?


What is the difference between consciousness and memory?

Why does our brain associate a song with a moment in our past?

Everything inherited from one generation to another, but why don’t we remember memories of our ancestor?

Does imagination improve memory retrieval?

Psychology of Everyday Life: Why do my memories seem distant and dreamlike?

Can we say knowledge is nothing but just memory power?

Does social conformity cause people to alter their memory of past events?

Does reading before sleep make you remember what you read better?

Processing of information

What are some unique developments and additions in the brain (e.g., folds and creases in the brain to increase surface area)?

Are dreams subconsciously planned prior to sleep?

Why do my dreams sometimes come true?


Similar to cloud computing systems, is it possible to connect a large amount of people to organize them to think as one very huge brain? And if possible, would it be another higher level of consciousness?

Part 3 Limitations of our brain

Cognitive performance

What are the effects of stress on creativity?

How does the brain adapt to cope with a greater intellectual workload?

Is the world getting too complex for an unmodified human brain to understand?

Environmental dependency

Does the brain work better in colder weather?

Is there any research or theories about heat causing a loss of cognition? Does living in locations with extremely high temperatures cause problems with cognition?

Is the human brain more active during the day or at night?

Why does my brain seem to be most active at night?

Why are circadian rhythms there?

How does the drinking of water causes loss of concentration while studying?

Energy consumption

What will happen if we triple the number of neurons in the human brain?

Is a human brain wired differently in people with high reaction speed?

Why has the human brain evolved by increasing its size instead of neuron density? Is high neuronal density ‘bad,’ or are neurons with smaller somas ‘worse’?

Does the brain use more energy if you do complicated maths?


Suppose there is an immortal human. How long can they live until their brain runs out of memory?

Is it normal to remember all of your dreams?

Has the availability of the internet done lasting damage to our long-term memory, since things we might once have memorized are readily available through our devices?

Because the human memory is known to be very unreliable, how do you know which of your memories are real and which are only partly true?

