Human Learning #27 — Can online get students into jobs? Is college worth it?

Chris Fellingham
Human Learning
Published in
8 min readDec 13, 2017

Hi all

Welcome to issue #27, there was a brief hiatus last fortnight due to a 4-day wedding (not mine). This week sees a retrenchment of the online ‘last mile’ business model (i.e. education into jobs) with the closure of Udacity Blitz and Miríadax’s new owners may shake up their business strategy.

I’ve written two articles this issue. The first, a response to a reader’s comments last issue — What price is the right price for a MOOC subscription here.

The second, Bryan Caplan, Economics Professor at George Mason University, has asked whether College is worth it, my take here

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All views expressed in these reports are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of FutureLearn.

State of the MOOCS

MOOCs for Masters — 2018 Predictions — Joshua Kim, Director of Digital Learning at Dartmouth lays out his predictions (based mostly it seems on edX’s Micromasters). Kim argues the Micromaster model has a bright future. Firstly, Masters are the new bachelors so demand should be strong. Secondly, Kim argues that MOOC performance could replace metrics such as GPA for entry — he’s referring to the way students who successfully complete Micromasters are nominally considered for a Masters even if they wouldn’t otherwise be eligible. This last part has considerable merit, many students put in significant hours to master the GMAT or equivalent which has questionable predictive value of their subsequent performance. However, taking an online course in a subject they are interested in ought to benefit both sides — the student in learning material they are already interested in and that can transfer to the Masters if succesful — and the university gains a more valid predictive metric. Plus it weeds out students who find they actually don’t like the subject — here

Miríadax taken over by Telefónica — Telefónica, the Spanish telco, have bought out Banco Santander and Universeria network (i.e. the group of universities who part owned the Spanish language MOOC platform) to take control. It’s unknown what their intentions are but one suspects a tilt to either B2B or at least to professional training. The Spanish speaking world is well suited to this due to a) Strong primary and secondary education b) generally mediocre youth employment and c) relatively weak competition as Edtech offering tends to focus on English or Chinese language markets — here

Udacity gives up on ‘project work/recruitment programme’ Blitz — Class-Central report that Udacity’s Blitz program — which allowed graduates to do paid work for companies who could then hire them — has been shuttered. Dhawal Shah of Class-Central argues it didn’t scale to sufficiently cover the costs and as a result, Udacity will divert resources to career support. Udacity are unlikely to give up — online may not have worked but version that works through Udacity Connect (their premium blended learning option) might be more feasible. Bootcamps integrate employers into their proposition for careers fairs, presentations and allows students to meet directly. Udacity have many of the biggest corporate brands already — so at least within certain cities this ought to be feasible — here

  • Udacity have formally opened in MENA — Udacity will translate more of their Nanodegrees into Arabic (currently only 3) and have government partnerships in place to help market their courses, 60% of the MENA population is under 25 with high youth unemployment
  • Udacity launch design sprint Nanodegree ($299) and Google Adwords Nanodegree ($699) — Udacity have been tentatively going beyond their programming core into other in-demand areas. The ‘magic formula’ is newer tech skills with shortages and where the brand value lies more with the corporate than a university. There is also a logic in that sprint planning is a leadership role for programmers so this incorporates a vertical path for learners to progress on — here and here
  • Udacity are anticipating 100% Year on year revenues — A good year then — here

Udemy launch new B2B product ‘Team Plan’ — Udemy already have Udemy for business, but each deal is somewhat bespoke and requires a contract. This new plan allows for smaller companies or units in a company (defined as 5–20 employees) with their own budget to purchase on the spot. Logical, as a bespoke deal for such small numbers is scarcely worth it for the operational cost — here

Class-central release their user survey — Class-central surveyed its users, garnering 2.5K responses. With the caveats around sampling, it still provides some noteworthy points (users could select multiple answers): Most users (80%) took MOOCs for personal reasons, 52% for career benefits; 57% didn’t record any benefit from MOOCs (perhaps because they were taking it for leisure?) 28% did; Americans were by far the most willing to pay for certificates, UK was remarkably low — here

Coursera for business now has 600 companies including Indian Telco Bharti Airtel — here

Ed’s Tech

VR’s threat to MOOCs is some way off — I’ve been meaning to write a post on the threat of VR for some time and this post can serve as a prelude to that. The straw man is that VR is a total game changer that will sweep all other learning products by combining the best of both worlds — the advantages of digital (access, scale) with reality (humans, social etc). That seems entirely plausible but the obvious catch is that at present VR is still an early adopter technology with a hefty price point. That said, the educational use cases for VR are slowly expanding. The latest is Strivr, which Walmart are using to train employees to deal with Black Friday crowds — fittingly Strivr was originally created by a Stanford football coach who wanted to train quarterbacks for ‘Blitz’ attacks. This is great news for VR — although it’s a narrow use case — every employee could benefit from the training making it a worthwhile investment. Crucially for VR it provides a stable source of revenue as the technology matures — here

The business of Edtech

Penn State to launch bootcamp — Jumping on the bandwagon, Penn state are working with Bootcamp provider Trilogy, to create a coding bootcamp that will cost $12K, the bootcamp market is projected to grow 11% per year globally. Penn state has already tripled its Computer Science intake since 2007 but Bootcamps are about ‘the last mile’ i.e. getting a job and apply to CS and non-CS grads alike. It can’t be too long before universities do to bootcamps what they did to OPM providers, namely ; hire one, learn from them and then if they are confident of the business model terminate the contract and setup their own. They’d have a captive market(their students), the real estate (their campus) corporate contacts (their career service) and if done well it would contribute to their employability metrics, all of which which ought to make them a formidable competitor — here and here

Edtech investor Ryan Craig argues Edtech’s next innovation will be offline — Ryan Craig argues that online has failed to deliver ‘last mile’ i.e. bridging the gap between education and jobs and that only offline can do this. Craig argues that while MOOCs have been excellent in expanding access, Udacity’s failure in the job placement market (10% placement rate) demonstrates the limits of an online approach. Craig argues to succeed you need a meaningful goal, intensity (i.e. working intensively) and personal contact with employers — in short a bootcamp. He notes an MIT course on edX, Entrepreneurship 101 that then offered students a 1-week residential to create a business. That model which has since been continued has seen considerable investment in the startup ideas as well as hiring of the students. That these are insurmountable obstacles feels far fetched, Andela in Africa already combine training with outsourced agency work and others are experimenting — here

Knewton — caught between a product and a business model — Knewton, an adaptive learning company, are having a mixed year. The good news is that their products appear effective, adaptive learning trials of their maths and statistics packages have raised completion rates (although no control was used) and students were broadly supportive. However many faculty are unsure whether they’ll continue with them, the problem for Knewton is they are competing in the publishing business — most publishers offer large bundle deals to universities rather than a la carte, Knewton have a very limited range of products at this point which means a university would have to pay for them in addition to the main bundle. Knewton are then betting they can expand their portfolio and demonstrate its added value faster than other publishers can incorporate adaptive — here

Graduway raises $12.7m in a Series B funding round — The British based startup helps universities manage their alumni (a cross between CRM and community management) with clients including University of Oxford, John hopkins and 500 others. This is particularly useful for universities with large international alumni for whom many administrators admit they neglecthere

Team Human vs Machine

Lumina Foundation are launching ‘Credential Engine’ a search engine for worker skills — In conjunction with J.P Morgan, Microsoft and AFL-CIO, the platform aims to help employers navigate the jungle of different credentials — help workers with the right skills find the right jobs and vice versa. The tool is open-source and the foundation hopes industries — in particular those such as Healthcare — can set out which credentials they require and then find the workers. This is effectively the nut LinkedIn is trying to crack with their Economic graph, with their considerable resources it would be fair to say LinkedIn are still in the trial stage and I’d be sceptical that Credential Engine, will gain the adoption rate required for critical mass — here

Global higher Education

A liberal education without the liberalism? — Two universities are due to setup degrees in China teaching ‘liberal arts’ — Duke Kunshan (of Duke University) and University of Nottingham’s Ningo. China sees value in liberal arts education, namely; a way to help Chinese understand history, understand how the world (at least that which studies liberal arts) sees China, to develop skills that are resilient to automation in its workforce (e.g. critical thinking), to develop more well rounded workers e.g. ‘socially conscious engineer’ and finally to equip employees better for a more international work environment. Can the Chinese government have its cake and eat it? Probably, China has consistently defied western predictions of the necessity of democracy and there is little evidence that ‘liberal education’ has a direct impact on a country’s government (Goldstone 1991) indeed it may well work as they intend, to raise a more perceptive and thus resilient generation of bureaucrats and workers — here

Online Degrees

2U announce a new MBA from UC Davis 2U’s ‘secret sauce’ is to target students who don’t get into one of their more elite MBAs and push them into one of their easier MBAs (effectively recycling the cost per acquisition value) but a quick count reveals 6 MBAs on their site and one wonders if they aren’t seeing diminishing returns to marketing their online MBAs — here


Which countries prepare their children best for the future? The OECD (a think tank sponsored by rich countries) can answer that definitively for you, in order: Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Estonia, Finland, New Zealand, Australia, Germany and USA (UK just behind). These are part of the OECD’s PISA test, one of the only standardised testing between countries, they were measuring to what extent children collaborate (including communication, networks, negotiation, team building and problem solving). Some countries are moving to actively encourage this — such as Finland where collaboration is now a regular part of the curriculum. That said, these results roughly reflect the best countries for education in general (according to PISA) creating a correlation causation issue to be teased out — here



Chris Fellingham
Human Learning

I’m Chris, I work in Social Science, Enterprise and Humanities ventures at Oxford University, I formerly worked in strategy for FutureLearn