A Short Poem About Burnout

A poem by me.

Jordan Katherine
Human Opinions


Photo by Goutham Krishna on Unsplash

Are there any more hours in the day?

When life admin and work get in the way.

I don’t know when to work and when to play.

There should be more balance, as people say.

The doctors waiting room takes up a lot of time.

After work I wish I had time to go and climb.

Some hours in the day should be mine.

I’m exhausted already and it’s only half nine.

In my diary I’m always trying to make space.

It seems in this life everything is a race.

For more free time I’m trying to make the case.

So that I can put back on my happy face.

We can’t take for granted, time that is free.

Walking through parks looking up at the trees.

Being careful not to step on a bee.

Then coming home to a relaxing cup of tea.



Jordan Katherine
Human Opinions

Writer who enjoys running, hiking, nature and my dog Ziggy (I also love writing about them)