Embracing Change: The Art of Constant Readjustment

Finding Balance in Life’s Unpredictable Journey

Angela M. Ambroise
Human Opinions
3 min readJan 25, 2024


Finding Balance in Life’s Unpredictable Journey
Image created by the author

Discovering Life’s Fluidity

Life, as I’ve come to understand it, is an ever-evolving tapestry of experiences and emotions. This realization dawned on me again this morning as I sat by my window, reading my Bible, having my morning coffee, and watching old videos of leaves transforming from vibrant green to shades of amber and rust falling from a tree in my front yard. It was a visual reminder of Kakuzo Okakura’s profound words: “The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings.”

Learning from Nature’s Rhythm

Nature, in its infinite wisdom, has always been a great teacher. Just as the seasons change, I’ve learned that life requires us to adapt and grow. Last year marked a significant transition for me. After homeschooling my seven children for over two decades, I finally finished schooling my last child. I was thrust into a new dynamic: What was I going to do now? Initially, it felt like trying to navigate a boat in a stormy sea, trying to find my new normal. But just like the trees that shed their leaves in autumn to conserve energy, I realized I needed to embrace the new challenges ahead.

The Dance of Relationships

Transitioning smoothly, relationships, much like the weather, are never static. They require flexibility and understanding. I recall my struggle to maintain harmony at home when my husband and I had conflicting schedules due to my new job, which required me to travel. Going from being home all the time to being away for months was a drastic change. It took patience, communication, and a willingness to adapt our routines to find a balance that worked for both of us. This experience taught me that relationships flourish when we are open to change and understand each other’s evolving needs.

Professional Evolution: Staying Afloat in Changing Tides

Similarly, in the professional sphere, adaptability is key. I remember a project that required me to learn a new software tool within a short period. It was daunting, but I dove in headfirst. This experience reinforced the idea that staying relevant in our careers often means stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing new technologies and methods. Once again, this reinforced the truth about life being a constant readjustment.

The Inner Journey: Adaptability as a Form of Self-Care

Shift the focus inward, and you’ll find that personal growth is also an exercise in adaptability. After spending 20 years prioritizing my family, I found almost everything about me had changed. I looked different, talked differently, and had different priorities. I had to be brave and step out of my comfort zone, attending workshops, seminars, and classes. This leap into the unknown was terrifying but exhilarating. I learned that sometimes, the biggest changes come from within, and embracing them can be a powerful form of self-care.

Navigating the Storms: Resilience in Adversity

Life’s storms indeed test our resilience. A few years ago, I faced some scary news: two of my children were diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, four years apart, at age 19. This period was filled with uncertainty and fear. However, this difficult phase taught me the importance of resilience and the importance of having a relationship with my Savior. During my morning devotions, I was reminded of a tree bending in the wind. I’m learning to sway with the challenges without breaking. This, too, is another period of profound personal growth and a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for endurance.

The Constant of Change

As I reflect on this, I realize that the art of life truly is about adjusting and readapting. It’s about being as fluid as the river that carves new paths through the landscape. Life, in all its complexity, demands that we remain flexible and open to the ever-changing tapestry of our existence.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. How have you navigated significant changes in your own life, and what lessons have you learned from these experiences?
  2. In what ways can we cultivate a mindset that embraces change as an opportunity for growth rather than a challenge to be feared?
  3. Can you recall a time when adapting to a new situation led to unexpected personal growth or opportunities?



Angela M. Ambroise
Human Opinions

Exploring faith, personal growth, and the human connection. 📚 Unveiling stories that transform. #MindHeartScribe