I Don’t Deserve This:

Thank you so much, guys!!

Avuma Flatela
Human Opinions
Jul 19, 2023


Photo by Shaurya Sagar on Unsplash

I published my very first article on Medium on the 22nd of March and I have published 5 articles from then.

I gave myself the whole year to get 100 followers because I am in no rush, and I wasn’t expecting a lot.

About 20 minutes ago I showed my follower count to my sister, and my exact words were “Look, I have 220 followers! I had 216 yesterday. This is crazy. I didn’t work for them; I didn’t do anything. Why are all of these people following me??”

It may not seem like much to you but to me, it’s a lot, and even though I feel like I don’t deserve any of you guys I am beyond grateful for all of you. I appreciate you all so much and I hope we can grow together.



Avuma Flatela
Human Opinions

I am a psychology student on my journey to becoming my best self. This is a personal development blog to help you enhance your life. avumaflatela@gmail.com