Post-election: Don’t be uninspired

Alanna Harvey
Human Output
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2016

In the whirlwind of the election, frenzied media, and a seemingly endless conversation over the future of our planet all condensed to the internet, staying focused is hard. I spent most of November 9th — a day that, politics aside, would have been like most others — glued to what was happening. After waking up to the first headline, I continued my day refreshing to see what the news was saying, what people were saying, what experts and celebrities and my family and friends were all saying.

I wanted to know, like everyone else, what the F was going on.

And, needless to say, I got nothing done.

But what felt like a day that stood still, a day where the entire world was tuned in and what many have expressed as a day they will never forget, has since passed.

It’s now the next day, and you’ve got shit to do.

Indeed, it’s not the time to be uninspired. You have exams to prep for, papers to turn in, and projects to finish. You have people to impress and expectations to exceed.

You don’t have time to waste. You have to keep moving forward.

You have workouts to crush, groceries to buy, and meals to make. You have friends to see, family members to call, and errands to run.

You have hobbies to do and interests to tend to. You have new skills to learn and a lifetime of achievements to make.

You have the rest of your days ahead of you, so don’t let the outcome of one day continue to pull you back.

Move away from the internet for as long as you can at a time, starting today. Is Facebook your poison? Uninstall it from your phone. Hide the news feed with this Chrome extension (it’s almost as good as deleting it) and forget about everything for a little while. If more apps fight for your attention, hide them all with Flipd.

Unplug from the noise. It’s time to focus on you. Whichever side you’re on, you owe it to yourself to look inward and onward.

Get outside, breathe some fresh, crisp air. Throw on your headphones and start moving in one direction as far as you can.

You don’t have to move quickly or toward a certain path.

You just have to move forward.



Alanna Harvey
Human Output

Co-founder and Marketing Director at Flipd — where we’re helping people balance their relationship with technology.