Four ways HUMAN Protocol helps projects get work done

HUMAN Protocol
HUMAN Protocol
3 min readFeb 9, 2022


HUMAN Protocol ignites the future of work. It offers any project access to an automated, trustless way to fulfil their work requirements. Loop in any API to HUMAN and the Protocol will fulfil the rest of the work. To learn more about how to integrate, visit our GitHub, or learn about our grants program.

1. Volume

There are many situations when quantity becomes a quality of its own. If a project wishes to A/B test a brand design, one expert’s opinion may not be as useful as that of a hundred thousand potential consumers.

HUMAN Protocol applications have access to hundreds of millions of respondents who could be asked, in theory, to respond to any kind of question. This kind of volume is almost impossible to come by in a workforce; creating and upscaling it is too expensive. And, even when it is possible, the act of sourcing, evaluating, and rewarding those respondents is implausible without blockchain payment solutions, such as those we use at HUMAN.

2. Diversity

While it is a factor related to volume, diversity of respondents — and, most importantly, the ability to specify the respondent from a vastly diverse pool — is important to the quality of completed work.

Whether a project wishes to use the input of a very diverse, or a segmented, group depends on the context. Having access to broad pools of humans means that the contributions made can reflect the diverse world we live in; more often than not, faulty or “biased” AI, for example, is not a matter of intentional prejudice, but rather a lack of data, and the availability of tools to properly canvas opinion from broad ranges of people.

HUMAN offers open-source access to this.

3. Quality

Projects can provide their own proofs of exemplary answers to establish the ground-truth for an oracle to check the quality of work. This process is automated; only work that passes the requested threshold is paid for.

Unlike other crowdsourcing platforms, the request can also be cancelled at any time. And because results are uploaded live, the Requester can check the status of work, and only pay for the work that is completed to the specified standard.

4. Automated

Automation benefits Requesters. The automation of the Protocol process, from data sanitation, launch, quality control, and payout, and the general management of the work, is taken care of. No micromanagement is required. Work sent to HUMAN is taken care of by HUMAN, freeing companies to focus their energies on other productive areas.

Most importantly, all of this is made available to any project by our commitment to open-sourcing all HUMAN software. The tools of crowdsourcing are often centralized, expensive, and cumbersome to integrate into existing workflows. HUMAN changes that by offering a uniquely broad, open solution that allows any project to use HUMAN tools, or to loop-in their own to fulfil the specifics of the work they want completed.

For the latest updates on HUMAN Protocol, follow us on Twitter or join our Discord. Alternatively, to enquire about integrations, usage, or to learn more about HUMAN Protocol, get in contact with the HUMAN team.

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The HUMAN Protocol Foundation makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information contained here. Any assumptions, opinions, and estimations expressed constitute the HUMAN Protocol Foundation’s judgment as of the time of publishing and are subject to change without notice. Any projection contained within the information presented here is based on a number of assumptions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.

