Grant awarded to Signa X

HUMAN Protocol
HUMAN Protocol


The HUMAN Protocol grants committee has awarded a grant to Signa X, who will use the grant to fund the integration of HUMAN Protocol’s oracle network to launch, verify and initiate payout in HMT for game-related challenges in Web3.

This grant represents the potential of the Routing Protocol to facilitate new economies. The Routing Protocol’s framework for incentivizing the decentralized and automated verification of work — in this case a game challenge — and subsequent reward executed on-chain, enables Signa X to attract game developers who wish to enhance gameplay, provide new experiences, and monetize their work.

Signa X

Designed for use within the metaverse and gaming worlds, Signa X is a 3D asset creation platform that offers developers and gaming communities a platform to build assets, such as characters, weapons, environments, power ups, and utilities.

Signa X has already made efforts to support a Web3 market by offering minting and leasing capabilities for digital assets.

The grant

Signa X will embed the HUMAN Job Launcher as a feature to enable game developers to design challenges that can be formally assessed and rewarded on-chain. Game developers will be able to use the Job Launcher to leverage the Recording and Reputation Oracles to, first of all, determine whether or not a given game-related challenge has been completed and, secondly, to use it to initiate payout of HMT on-chain.

While the grant focuses specifically on developers rewarding successful competitors with HMT, the broadly applicable nature of the Routing Protocol — which is where this integration is being built — means that many other kinds of asset could be used as a reward.

This integration allows game developers in the broader Signa X ecosystem to create in-game economies to attract players, via rewards, and developers, via engagement.

Signa X is also planning to incorporate Proof of HUMANity in the sign-up process for game developers and 3D asset creators, and as part of a gamer registration feature.

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