Grant awarded to the Me Protocol

HUMAN Protocol
HUMAN Protocol


The Me Protocol is the first decentralized multi-vendor loyalty ecosystem for Web3. It has two exciting principle uses: it allows users to earn for brand-related bounty campaigns; and it allows for users to exchange different brands’ loyalty rewards.

About the grant

The grant will allow the Me Protocol to use a modified version of the HUMAN Job Launcher in their bounty creation system. This means that brands will be able to create challenges or bounties in a decentralized manner, while enabling the challenges to be automatically verified and paid out/ or rewarded on-chain. This will open up more opportunities for anyone to earn tokenized rewards.

The work will also include HUMAN Protocol becoming a part of their existing ecosystem. This will allow us to create our own reward bounties, and allow our users to exchange rewards within their marketplace.

About the Me Protocol

The Me Protocol is based on the belief that loyalty programs can fulfill a greater potential. Such programs have been thought of as a way to retain customers; Me Protocol is designed to deliver an optimized and expansive rewards ecosystem that can provide a real tool for customer acquisition.

Web3 is the tool that they have chosen to facilitate this ecosystem, predominantly by allowing users to seamlessly exchange their rewards if they cannot use them. This benefits all parties: the initial winner of the reward is satisfied because the applications of their reward and, therefore, the options they have, are increased (and therefore so is the value of the reward). Secondly, the acquirer of the new reward is happy to gain something they wanted. Thirdly, the brand has been exposed to a new customer! Despite hopefully having a happier primary customer, they now have potentially expanded their user base.

Most people will never knowingly interact with the Me Protocol. It will sit on top of the Me App, a marketplace where consumers can manage and use the blockchain-based rewards they have been earning. The underlying Me Protocol hides the complexities of exchanging rewards.

It was founded by Robert Wesley, a serial entrepreneur, who is currently CEO and Co-founder of My AI Inc, the developer of the Me App and the inventor of the Me Protocol. My AI is a global tech company building the incentivization infrastructure for the emerging Web3 economy.

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The HUMAN Protocol Foundation makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information contained here. Any assumptions, opinions, and estimations expressed constitute the HUMAN Protocol Foundation’s judgment as of the time of publishing and are subject to change without notice. Any projection contained within the information presented here is based on a number of assumptions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.

