HUMAN community newsletter #6

HUMAN Protocol
HUMAN Protocol



The highlight of the past month has been our partnerships. With new partners in Pyth network and EQIFi Finance, HUMAN Protocol is leveraging human intelligence to solve some of the biggest challenges in the blockchain space. It is amazing to see HUMAN technology find application, and these two examples are only the beginning of leveraging HUMAN input to provide live information to markets. There’s also new content, a great Hackernoon interview with our Technical Director, and news on the community front.


To start the new year, we’ve announced two new partnerships.

Pyth Network

Pyth Network is a financial oracle to provide DeFi services with accurate pricing. HUMAN Protocol has partnered with them to greatly improve the accuracy of their on-chain data. The partnership is referenced in their whitepaper, in which they write:

“The process will use HUMAN Protocol to collect the necessary off-chain information from impartial judges, then feed that information into a predetermined algorithm that determines the outcome of the claim.”

See what Pyth had to say about the partnership on Twitter.

EQIFi Finance

The alliance that will bring banking to a new frontier: EQIFi Finance, the first DeFi project powered by a licensed and regulated digital bank, has established a new partnership with HUMAN Protocol to offer all their users a range of DeFi tools in the metaverse.


Withdrawals are now available to everyone on the HUMAN App through the ‘Your Withdrawals’ tab.

If you want to withdraw HMT to your wallet, you need to ensure your Polygon address is filled in on your profile. Also, to request a withdrawal to your account, you need to pass the verification steps using our partner, Civic. For a full overview of the process, read our blog post.

In order to protect our users, we’ve updated our referral program. Now, the user who gives their referral code to others will receive the HMT only after they verify themself in the Civic App.

Content and Conversations

We’ve added two pieces to our series on HUMAN Protocol use cases: global Q&As, and Proof of HUMANity. This series is critical to our efforts in educating the wider community about the advantages of HUMAN Protocol, and instructing best-fit candidates for the grants program.

HUMAN Protocol’s Technical Director, Haryjot Singh, also sat down for an interview with Hackernoon this week. The discussion covered HUMAN Protocol’s role in creating a new future of work, Web 3.0, and the evolution of blockchain adoption more generally.

And, in case you missed it, yesterday we released an article describing the advantages of HUMAN Protocol over Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, as well as other Web 2.0 solutions. HUMAN Protocol is designed to both challenge existing solutions and pair with them, and the HUMAN community is currently working on a solution to monitoring work requested through HUMAN Protocol and fulfilling it through MTurk. Any existing work pool — MTurk, hCaptcha, Scale AI — can integrate with HUMAN Protocol to have work settled on it.


Ambassador Program

Both our ambassadors and emissaries have successfully completed their first contributions, with many more to follow. In light of the feedback we’ve seen to date, we’ve decided to make some changes to the Creator role.

The Creator will no longer be a dedicated role fulfilled by a few sanctioned ambassadors. Rather, as a means of encouraging broader community participation, it will be opened up through contests on our social channels.

These contests will involve specific tasks — such as producing an infographic on a product, writing a short piece, or even a poem — provided by the HUMAN team. Each task will have an HMT amount attached to it. To reflect the spirit of the Protocol, we will not arbitrate the outcome. Community submissions will be voted on by the community to elect a winner.

BugBounty & DevBounty

We continue to receive a lot of contributions from our community, which we are constantly reviewing. We’re planning to set up a dedicated tech community for everyone interested in contributing on a regular basis, or wanting to educate themselves more about the technical aspects of HUMAN Protocol.


We’ve decided to migrate our official Telegram channel to Discord. This is an important step for the evolution of our community. Discord allows us to better accommodate growth, respond to specific questions, and establish meaningful dialogues. It also allows us to more efficiently troubleshoot issues with our products, such as the HUMAN App, retaining a more durable memory of issues identified, and to more easily collate feedback on those products.

In the near future, we will add a list of unofficial channels — which will include the Telegram channels — to our website. Above all, our goal is to support our community to have the conversations that matter, and to find the information and resources needed for engagement and growth.


If you wish to enquire about integrations, usage, or to learn more about HUMAN Protocol, get in contact with the HUMAN team.

To stay up to date with the latest from HUMAN, follow us on Twitter or join our Discord.

Legal Disclaimer

The HUMAN Protocol Foundation makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information contained here. Any assumptions, opinions, and estimations expressed constitute the HUMAN Protocol Foundation’s judgment as of the time of publishing and are subject to change without notice. Any projection contained within the information presented here is based on a number of assumptions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.

