HUMAN Newsletter #13

HUMAN Protocol
HUMAN Protocol


We’ve had an incredible month, and we are excited to share a summary of everything that we achieved! The big news is that the first community vote took place…

The first vote

HUMAN Protocol was built to be decentralized. The Routing Protocol was our proposal and vision to decentralize the network; it provides the blueprint that would enable and incentivize third parties to collaborate.

Wormhole proposed the building of the Routing Protocol, and the integration of Wormhole to it in order to facilitate cross-chain HMT and cross-chain voting.

The community voted majorly in favor of the proposition, 75 in favor, 4 against. Now, we need you to build! For more information on how to get involved, join our Discord.

Impact Projects

The launch of the HUMAN Impact Projects is a landmark. Not only does it demonstrate another real use case for HMT, it represents the fulfillment of our initial vision to make data labeling accessible.

HUMAN Impact Projects has already announced work with leading scientific research institute Salk via their data annotation tool SLEAP AI, along with CVAT, and Audino, which is also a grantee.

We built HUMAN Protocol to provide solutions to work systems. The Impact Projects validates the mission and demonstrates a real use case for the Protocol.


Our grant with Blockchain HELIX has progressed quickly, and they are near completion of a new app that can be used to process work on HUMAN Protocol.

We have awarded several new grants, which we will be announcing in the coming weeks! Each grant proves a unique use case for the Protocol — extending the capabilities we have seen in the ML space to many more industries.

For the latest updates on HUMAN Protocol, follow us on Twitter or join our Discord. Alternatively, to enquire about integrations, usage, or to learn more about HUMAN Protocol, get in contact with the HUMAN team.

Legal Disclaimer

The HUMAN Protocol Foundation makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information contained here. Any assumptions, opinions, and estimations expressed constitute the HUMAN Protocol Foundation’s judgment as of the time of publishing and are subject to change without notice. Any projection contained within the information presented here is based on a number of assumptions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.

