HUMAN potential in 2023

HUMAN Protocol
HUMAN Protocol


2022 was one of the most turbulent years for the industry, but it didn’t prevent HUMAN Protocol from expanding.

The drafting of the Routing Protocol, designed to encourage third party operation and contribution to the network, has set a new foundation to enable the growth of HUMAN Protocol. The Grants Program, the Impact Projects, and the Maintainer Program demonstrate that it was a year of extending the Protocol to meet new technologies and use cases.

These programs have provided the context to allow projects to build with HUMAN Protocol, which they can now do more easily than ever via our single, consolidated monorepo.

This year, the focus will be on facilitating the execution and extension of the technologies, products, and collaborations that these programs deliver.

Below demonstrates a list of potential, and many issues for the community to decide on.

2023 potential

Routing Protocol

We hope to work to bring the Routing Protocol online this year.

We drafted the Routing Protocol as a blockchain coordination layer to incentivize the progressive adoption and decentralization of the entire network. The Routing Protocol was then proposed by Wormhole, who sought to make it xChain, to the community in Discord, where the vote passed.

Grantees and new grants

We expect the various integrations and DApps associated with these grants to begin to come online this year.

Last year, the Grants Committee worked hard to filter through the many applications for our grants program to find the ones that were believed to demonstrate great use cases of the Protocol. They awarded many grants, and work on bringing them to life is well underway.

Examples include Hummingbot (decentralized AMM), VeritaTrust (decentralized reviews), Signa-X (unique challenge launching for games), Me Protocol (brand loyalty program), Basenode (crypto Invoicing & FIAT on-ramp), and What’s Cookin (content moderation).

The committee will also continue to award grants to excellent use cases.

Ambassador Program

In 2023, the Foundation will work to reconfigure and relaunch the Ambassador Program. We believe that, with some tweaking, it can become a valuable tool for education and adoption.


In 2022, we began to decentralize both the operation and the decision making processes of the network.

2023 will see this decentralization increase via governance. The Routing Protocol proposals contained blueprints for governance structures. However, our dedication to decentralizing and promoting community contribution is not contingent of the building out of the RP. We already begun the process via Discord voting in 2022; we will continue to put more issues to the community in Discord until other processes are established in tandem with the RP’s development.


HUMAN Protocol was designed for multichain usage. With Multichain building bridges for HMT, and Wormhole proposing to make the RP xChain, there is plenty of scope for HMT to operate and be made available on an increasing number of chains. This will likely include a mixture of EVM and L1s.

Added to this, the Maintainer Program, which has already successfully established maintainers on Skale, Moonbeam, BSC and Polygon, is designed to facilitate this operational decentralization across networks. Work to integrate with Solana, Polkadot, Elrond, Neon, Celo, AVAX, and OKX Chain is in progress.


CVAT jobs will go live on the HUMAN App in January 2023.

CVAT, the data annotation tool with semi-automated functionalities, dramatically increases the kinds of work that can be fulfilled by the Protocol.


The information market on-chain oracle (IMOO) is a new HUMAN Protocol-native product. It establishes new potential by enabling a decentralized Q&A system that could be used in a suite of DeFi products, and more.

Beyond all this, we hope to host more HUMAN Protocol events across the globe to help forge relationships, and increase product awareness. We look forward to seeing many of you at these events.

Here’s to 2023!

For the latest updates on HUMAN Protocol, follow us on Twitter or join our Discord. Alternatively, to enquire about integrations, usage, or to learn more about how HUMAN Protocol supports machine-learning technologies, get in contact with the HUMAN team.

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The HUMAN Protocol Foundation makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information contained here. Any assumptions, opinions, and estimations expressed constitute the HUMAN Protocol Foundation’s judgment as of the time of publishing and are subject to change without notice. Any projection contained within the information presented here is based on a number of assumptions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.

