Who is HUMAN for? Grants use case: new and existing projects

HUMAN Protocol
HUMAN Protocol
Published in
4 min readDec 23, 2021


The previous article in the Who is HUMAN for series explored how HUMAN Protocol could power new ML startups by connecting them with existing workforces. In this article, we look at how projects can reward — or create — their own workers.

Because HUMAN Protocol tokenizes work, projects can incentivize and reward any contribution. This offers opportunities to existing projects, while also enabling a new wave of business solutions built upon the contribution, and organization, of knowledge workers.

Requesters and Workers have many different appearances. While a Worker could be part of a data-labeling workpool, the term “Worker” really refers to anyone who can be paid for any contribution through HUMAN. Equally, a Requester could be an ML startup, but it could also be any project or business that wishes to evaluate and reward contribution through HUMAN.

Tokenizing contribution

HUMAN Protocol provides a solution for the tokenization of work. In practice, this means that the Protocol can create a token, or smart contract, to represent any contribution — whether it is a review left on a website, writing an article, editing one written by a machine, or constructing a table in your home.

All that is required is a way to assess the legitimacy and, if relevant, quality of the contribution. In the case of data labeling, HUMAN Protocol utilizes a ground truth — a withheld example of images labeled to standard — to assess the new work against.

The same principle could be applied to other forms of work. If, for example, the contribution was writing an article, the Protocol could be fed exemplary articles in a format which enables it to assess it through a network of oracles. Perhaps this would entail access to the author’s profile, a Proof of HUMANity test to ensure they are not a bot, and AI software to check for grammatical errors and general relevance to the subject.

In the example of constructing a table at your home, HUMAN would require, for instance, a video of the table upon completion, which could be used as a kind of “ground truth” when assessed by AI to make sure the table is as it is supposed to be. Additional information used to tokenize the work could include a background or ID check, or access to construction qualifications, if applicable.

Tokenizing contribution in itself is not the end of HUMAN Protocol, however. To close the cycle, and provide true utility to projects, HUMAN Protocol not only tokenizes the work, and assesses its quality, but offers a solution to settle payment over blockchain.

New and existing projects

Such a solution can be applied to an entire economy of Web 2.0 projects — and beyond — which could benefit from automating the quality control and payment of work over blockchain. The grants program is designed to help such projects utilize HUMAN Protocol; it is a way to collaboratively apply our foundational technology to any number of diverse projects. Similarly, our commitment to open-sourcing all HUMAN technology extends HUMAN tech to anyone who wishes to build with it.

HUMAN also enables a world of new projects. Just as those outlined in the article on ML startups being enabled by HUMAN workpools, so could the ability to track and reward contribution lead to the emergence of new projects, and new business models.

One, for example, could be a business designed to crowdsource the writing of encyclopedia articles; with the graphic design, the writing, quality check, and payment of contributors all accomplished through HUMAN.

Similarly, a startup may need to quickly scale its workforce; the core HUMAN Protocol technology allows for the crowdsourcing of a multitude of tasks, to create dynamic workforces. Connecting projects to millions, within an automated framework for the issuing, verification, and rewarding of work, HUMAN Protocol removes the resource burden of finding and incentivizing contributors, whether to produce highly detailed datasets, getting research tasks done, or collating expert input.

Thinking big

These are example use cases, but do not represent the scope of HUMAN applications. Far from it. HUMAN is a broadly applicable solution. It can apply to any use case that stands to benefit from the automatic recording, verification, and compensation of human contribution.

To join in the conversation, and share your thoughts on application, use cases, and potential partnerships, join the HUMAN discord channel.

For the latest updates on HUMAN Protocol, follow us on Twitter or join our Discord. Alternatively, to enquire about integrations, usage, or to learn more about how HUMAN Protocol supports machine-learning technologies, get in contact with the HUMAN team.

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The HUMAN Protocol Foundation makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information contained here. Any assumptions, opinions, and estimations expressed constitute the HUMAN Protocol Foundation’s judgment as of the time of publishing and are subject to change without notice. Any projection contained within the information presented here is based on a number of assumptions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.

