They Lie to Us

Human Society Disorder
2 min readMay 29, 2024


Shared Fantasies of Modern Societies

I have created this publication to feature case studies that explore controversial events and popular personalities, uncover hidden facts, and challenge conventional narratives.

Narratives are fantasies, a certain kind of lie. Myths, history books, news, essays, documentaries, and official statements all have their narratives, and all could be lies. In fact, I believe that the rulers of society have been lying to us for centuries. They have created fantasies that we are all forced to share and live with. They invented this modern society — a sick society that mirrors and ‘collectivizes’ the mental conditions of its leaders and influencers: a Human and Collective Society Disorder.

Until now, we have believed their tales, but today everything seems to be a big fable — a story created by kings, politicians, artists, and influencers. A fantasy that fits into their delusional “truth,” where they are heroes and saviors, and we are merely audience, background, furniture, a part of a studio set. We sadly are what Prof. Sam Vaknin calls ‘insignificant others.’

According to Vaknin, “Modern society is a Narcissistic Society; it used to be Psychotic.” I have been researching Prof. Sam Vaknin for a year, one of the brightest minds on YouTube (I mean on the planet), and the first to describe narcissistic abuse in 1997. I have created this publication to provide a practical follow-up to that research.

Society’s “heroes” have lied to us simply because they could. We, the ‘extras,’ the ‘audience,’ cannot write any scripts. We are not free, we have fewer choices, and we cannot live on the sidelines.

Well… I refuse to be a simple decoration set; I want to explore our options for the future as individuals. Is there any chance to avoid our non-reality? Is there any chance we can own our lives? Vaknin proposes a new philosophy he calls ‘Nothingness.’ I want to delve deeper into this approach.

Surely we need to get out of the matrix, out of any ideology, out of all dogmas or collective emotional symbols. Maybe this way of ‘nothingness’ allows us to become masters of ourselves, free from living in any hero’s shared fantasy, free from living an endless narcissistic leader’s illusion.



Human Society Disorder

Editor exploring dynamics of power, mental health and AI in human behavior. Language can heal us or lead us to the depths of hell.