A “How-To” guide to protect your children
It’s almost guaranteed to be uncomfortable to start — but it’s so important that you press on and have this conversation. Human trafficking can happen at any time, so make sure your child knows the facts as soon as they are able to comprehend the conversation.
Each parent or caregiver will know best when to have these conversations, but your child won’t be prepared without these talks. They won’t learn it from their friends. And most schools never teach this subject matter. So, it’s up to you to make the decision when this is appropriate.
You’ll want to read through this guide from Love146 before you discuss it — maybe breaking up the discussion with your child into multiple sessions. Be sure to be non-judgemental and try to engage your child, not just having them let you read it to them. Be sure to ask if anything sounds familiar, like maybe they’ve heard their friends talking about this. If your child is willing to open up, you’re on your way to success.
Originally published at https://dougbardwell.com on July 31, 2019.