Creating a JavaScript promise from scratch, Part 4: Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject()

Nicholas C. Zakas
Human Who Codes
Published in
6 min readOct 21, 2020

When you create a promise with the Promise constructor, you’re creating an unsettled promise, meaning the promise state is pending until either the resolve or reject function is called inside the constructor. You can also created promises by using the Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject() methods, in which case, the promises might already be fulfilled or rejected as soon as they are created. These methods are helpful for wrapping known values in promises without going through the trouble of defining an executor function. However, Promise.resolve() doesn’t directly map to resolve inside an executor, and Promise.reject() doesn’t directly map to reject inside an executor.

Note: This is the fourth post in my series about creating JavaScript promises from scratch. If you haven’t already read the first post, the second post, and the third post, I would suggest you do so because this post builds on the topics covered in those posts.

As a reminder, this series is based on my promise library, Pledge. You can view and download all of the source code from GitHub.

The Promise.resolve() method

The purpose of the Promise.resolve() method is to return a promise that resolves to a given argument. However, there is some nuanced behavior around what it ends up returning:

  1. If the argument isn’t a promise, a new fulfilled promise is returned where the fulfillment value is the argument.
  2. If the argument is a promise and the promise’s constructor is different than the this value inside of Promise.resolve(), then a new promise is created using the this value and that promise is set to resolve when the argument promise resolves.
  3. If the argument is a promise and the promise’s constructor is the same as the this value inside of Promise.resolve(), then the argument promise is returned and no new promise is created.

Here are some examples to illustrate these cases:

// non-promise value
const promise1 = Promise.resolve(42);
console.log(promise1.constructor === Promise); // true

// promise with the same constructor
const promise2 = Promise.resolve(promise1);
console.log(promise2.constructor === Promise); // true
console.log(promise2 === promise1); // true

// promise with a different constructor
class MyPromise extends Promise {}

const promise3 = MyPromise.resolve(42);
const promise4 = Promise.resolve(promise3);
console.log(promise3.constructor === MyPromise); // true
console.log(promise4.constructor === Promise); // true
console.log(promise3 === promise4); // false

In this code, passing 42 to Promise.resolve() results in a new fulfilled promise, promise1 that was created using the Promise constructor. In the second part, promise1 is passed to Promise.resolve() and the returned promise, promise2, is actually just promise1. This is a shortcut operation because there is no reason to create a new instance of the same class of promise to represent the same fulfillment value. In the third part, MyPromise extends Promise to create a new class. The MyPromise.resolve() method creates an instance of MyPromise because the this value inside of MyPromise.resolve() determines the constructor to use when creating a new promise. Because promise3 was created with the Promise constructor, Promise.resolve() needs to create a new instance of Promise that resolves when promise3 is resolved.

The important thing to keep in mind that the Promise.resolve() method always returns a promise created with the this value inside. This ensures that for any given X.resolve() method, where X is a subclass of Promise, returns an instance of X.

Creating the Pledge.resolve() method

The specification defines a simple, three-step process for the Promise.resolve() method [1]:

  1. Let C be the this value.
  2. If Type(C) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
  3. Return ? PromiseResolve(C, x).

As with many of the methods discussed in this blog post series, Promise.resolve() delegates much of the work to another operation called PromiseResolve(), which I’ve implemented as pledgeResolve(). The actual code for Pledge.resolve() is therefore quite succinct:

export class Pledge {

// other methods omitted for space

static resolve(x) {

const C = this;

if (!isObject(C)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot call resolve() without `this` value.");

return pledgeResolve(C, x);

// other methods omitted for space

You were introduced to the the pledgeResolve() function in the third post in the series, and I’ll show it here again for context:

function pledgeResolve(C, x) {


if (isPledge(x)) {
const xConstructor = x.constructor;

if (, C)) {
return x;

const pledgeCapability = new PledgeCapability(C);
return pledgeCapability.pledge;

When used in the finally() method, the C argument didn’t make a lot of sense, but here you can see that it’s important to ensure the correct constructor is used from Pledge.resolve(). So if x is an instance of Pledge, then you need to check to see if its constructor is also C, and if so, just return x. Otherwise, the PledgeCapability class is once again used to create an instance of the correct class, resolve it to x, and then return that instance.

With Promise.resolve() fully implemented as Pledge.resolve() in the Pledge library, it’s now time to move on to Pledge.reject().

The Promise.reject() method

The Promise.reject() method behaves similarly to Promise.resolve() in that you pass in a value and the method returns a promise that wraps that value. In the case of Promise.reject(), though, the promise is in a rejected state and the reason is the argument that was passed in. The biggest difference from Promise.resolve() is that there is no additional check to see if the reason is a promise that has the same constructor; Promise.reject() always creates and returns a new promise, so there is no reason to do such a check. Otherwise, Promise.reject() mimics the behavior of Promise.resolve(), including using the this value to determine the class to use when returning a new promise. Here are some examples:

// non-promise value
const promise1 = Promise.reject(43);
console.log(promise1.constructor === Promise); // true

// promise with the same constructor
const promise2 = Promise.reject(promise1);
console.log(promise2.constructor === Promise); // true
console.log(promise2 === promise1); // false

// promise with a different constructor
class MyPromise extends Promise {}

const promise3 = MyPromise.reject(43);
const promise4 = Promise.reject(promise3);
console.log(promise3.constructor === MyPromise); // true
console.log(promise4.constructor === Promise); // true
console.log(promise3 === promise4); // false

Once again, Promise.reject() doesn’t do any inspection of the reason passed in and always returns a new promise, promise2 is not the same as promise1. And the promise returned from MyPromise.reject() is an instance of MyPromise rather than Promise, fulfilling the requirement that X.reject() always returns an instance of X.

Creating the Pledge.reject() method

According to the specification [2], the following steps must be taken when Promise.resolve() is called with an argument r:

  1. Let C be the this value.
  2. Let promiseCapability be ? NewPromiseCapability(C).
  3. Perform ? Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « r »).
  4. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].

Fortunately, converting this algorithm into JavaScript is straightforward:

export class Pledge {

// other methods omitted for space

static reject(r) {

const C = this;

const capability = new PledgeCapability(C);
return capability.pledge;

// other methods omitted for space

This method is similar to pledgeResolve() with the two notable exceptions: there is no check to see what type of value r and the capability.reject() method is called instead of capability.resolve(). All of the work is done inside of PledgeCapability, once again highlighting how important this part of the specification is to promises as a whole.

Wrapping Up

This post covered creating Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject() from scratch. These methods are important for converting from non-promise values into promises, which is used in a variety of ways in JavaScript. For example, the await operator calls PromiseResolve() to ensure its operand is a promise. So while these two methods are a lot simpler than the ones covered in my previous posts, they are equally as important to how promises work as a whole.

All of this code is available in the Pledge on GitHub. I hope you’ll download it and try it out to get a better understanding of promises.

Want more posts in this series?

So far, I’ve covered the basic ways that promises work, but there’s still more to cover. If you are enjoying this series and would like to see it continue, please sponsor me on GitHub. For every five new sponsors I receive, I’ll release a new post. Here’s what I plan on covering:

  • Part 5: Promise.race() and Promise.any() (when I have 35 sponsors)
  • Part 6: Promise.all() and Promise.allSettled() (when I have 40 sponsors)
  • Part 7: Unhandled promise rejection tracking (when I have 45 sponsors)

It takes a significant amount of time to put together posts like these, and I appreciate your consideration in helping me continue to create quality content like this.


  1. Promise.resolve( x )
  2. Promise.reject( r )

This post originally appeared on the Human Who Codes Blog on October 13, 2020. If you enjoyed this post, please consider donating to support my work.



Nicholas C. Zakas
Human Who Codes

Creator of @geteslint. Author. Speaker. Philosopher. Boston ex-pat. Currently fighting Lyme disease.