The Great AI Quackery

Don't fall for the oldest trick in the book

Rui Alves


A giant rubber duck in a dock.
Photo by Rostyslav Savchyn on Unsplash

AI isn’t just replacing humans; it’s also changing how we think about writing and how we experience words themselves.

We call ourselves writers, but deep within, I’ve always felt like writing holds a hidden power.

When I sit down to write, it’s when I feel more in tune with myself.

Writing feels like magic. It’s as if I can leave everything mundane behind and peer into the vastness of my soul.

There are worlds inside me that I can only explore when I sit down to write.

I am an explorer of my own universe:

“Ad Astra per Aspera”

Writing is hard. There are no shortcuts to your heart. And only when we write with the ink in our veins can we tap into our reader’s heart.

I write to meet the many writers in my writing. I write to make possible the impossible.

Thus, I can only gain clarity when I step back, allowing the clamoring voices in my head a chance to be heard.

Only then do I tap into my true self and meet all my writing surrogates.

AI robs you of the experience of writing. It takes away the magic of writing and puts a spell on you.



Rui Alves

Language teacher, linguist, life coach, published author (joined the Army and worked for the EU). A publisher, digital ronin, musician and alchemist of sound.