Welcome Aboard Con AI

Please mind the human/AI gap and don’t touch the bunny

Rui Alves


Con AI flight attendant holding tickets.
Template found on Freepik | additional art by the author on Canva

My, my. As I look around, I see a lot of bots among us. I see several ChatGPTs, a couple of Claude’s, and at least one genuine Gemini, but I gotta tell you, none of them impresses me. We have rules here, and they’re going to be enforced.

If you’ve watched Con Air, these lines will probably ring a bell. The words in italics are my adaptation of Guard Falzon’s welcome aboard speech.

I have to say there’s a lot of wisdom in those harsh words, and we need more Falzons around to keep all the naughty AI whiz kids from making a racket.

Con Air is not your Academy Award-winning feature film, but Simon West’s flick is a heck of a thrill ride.

The best part of it is how it also packs some insightful lessons on how to think twice about joining the Con AI bandwagon, as I’ve recently debated in The Great AI Quackery.

Yesterday morning, I was trying to come up with a title for a follow-up story, and thinking about quacks, scams, and snake oil salesmen, it suddenly hit me:

AI is toying with us and making us look like fools. This is the great AI con. From there, “Con AI” was something only a human writer could pull off.



Rui Alves

Language teacher, linguist, coach, published author, editor, and international nonfiction book awards judge. Digital ronin, musician, and alchemist of sound.