HumanCode Appoints Dr. Carlos Bustamante to Scientific Advisory Board

Chris Glode
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2017

Stanford Professor of computational genomics and biomedical informatics joins rapidly growing startup with a vision of transforming personal genomics.

Our entire team is thrilled about this announcement and loves working with Carlos. Our press release is below.

Oct. 18, 2017 — Denver, CO.

HumanCode, developer of next-generation personal genomics apps, today announced the appointment of Dr. Carlos Bustamante to its advisory board. This announcement formalizes Bustamante’s role in guiding the direction of this burgeoning start-up. He has been instrumental from the company’s inception, advising on both scientific methodology and product strategy.

Co-author of over 160 publications, Dr. Bustamante brings an incredible wealth of knowledge on the crucial interface between genomics, mathematics, and computational biology. With over 60 former and current academic trainees, and partnerships with biomedical industry leaders, Dr. Bustamante has established himself as a pioneer in modern scientific innovation.

HumanCode launched their flagship product BABYGlimpse on October 3rd. BABYGlimpse is a DNA app for couples to explore the genetic possibilities of the next generation. The addition of Dr. Bustamante further solidifies the diverse and experienced advisory team that HumanCode has assembled, comprised of physicians, genetic counselors, and statistical geneticists.

“I’ve long held a strong belief in the amazing possibilities that will be unlocked when individuals can broadly access their own personal genetic information,” said Bustamante. “As I came to understand HumanCode’s unique focus — making truly consumer-friendly, mobile, and engaging apps, while maintaining a high degree of scientific rigor — I wanted to be a part of it,” he added.

“Having Dr. Bustamante join us on this journey is a tremendous validation of our vision and approach” said Chris Glode, CEO of HumanCode. “Carlos deeply understands, on both a scientific and consumer level, what success in personal genomics should look like. He has a unique passion for bringing genomics to the mainstream, and doing it in a responsible and credible way — which aligns perfectly with how we’re going about it,” added Glode.

About HumanCode

HumanCode develops next-generation personal genomics applications. Its flagship app, BABYGlimpse, gives couples a fun and informative genetic preview into their future children. The privately-held company was founded in 2017 by veterans of Under Armour, MapMyFitness, and Affymetrix. HumanCode is based in Denver, CO.

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