LIVE Session with HUDI Founders RECAP— January 29th 2023

Human Data Income
Published in
47 min readFeb 2, 2023

On Sunday we held a YouTube Live with HUDI co-founders to dive deeper into what’s going on behind the scenes of HUDI and give you a preview of what’s coming inside the ecosystem. If you weren’t able to join, you can watch it again here or you can read below the full recap.

🙏 Special thanks to all those who attended the live!

Live with HUDI Founders Recap — January 29th

*** Live starts ***

Gianluigi: Welcome everybody! We are live from London, 29th January 2023. So, today it’s a really important day because it’s the first live event of HUDI in 2023. So, it means first of all that we survived this bear market. We are surviving in this bear market. We are truly builders and believers. We are here to build. That’s why we put our faces on the project as we always have done with the best intention. And that’s why we are here and we are building. I would love to introduce the other co-host of this night talk that is Andrea Silvi, the CTO, the technical mind of HUDI.

Andrea: Hi, guys. Thank you, for the introduction. Hello, everyone.

Gianluigi: And Frankie Ballarani, that of course you already know, is the captain, the CEO of HUDI (Human Data Income)

Frankie: Ciao, everyone. How are you doing?

Gianluigi: So, January 2023, it means it’s a moment to think about what we have done, to think about what to are doing and to make our vision more clear, to redefine what we imagined based on experience, on what we learned in the field, as we survive this really bad market situation. Global market collapse, all the tech market, the stock market, evaluation collapse, a lot of money were drained from all the markets, basically. But we are here and it’s fine because, looking at history is what has always happened, in different forms. I remember one of the earliest interview I saw about the founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos. And he was addressed by a journalist about the price of Amazon stocks, the stock value was dropping like from one hundred and fifty dollars to five/four dollars. And he said “The market is a representation of the perception, because now we have like ten times less value. But all our KPIs are increasing and are higher”. And now Amazon is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, company in the world, in our smallest and micro example. But we are aiming to be one organization that can change the life of billions of people, that’s what we are working for. That’s what we are talking about. And that’s why for us, what is important is always grow, always learn and always follow our vision, to ensure to create the best products. So our focus is on building products. That’s why you don’t see so much marketing from us. I’m more interested in the growing of the project by working on the products, on the virality of the product itself. And we will speak about that soon. But first of all, I would love to have a small introduction from Frankie and then from Andrea about the work you are doing right now. Five minutes each to introduce what you are working on and what is the vision for HUDI?

Franky: Thank you, Gian, for the question. Yeah, so basically, HUDI, as a lot of you that are watching know, is a project that started years ago. And our goal and our vision are always the same. To create a product, create a technology, but it’s not only a technology, it’s a technology adopted by people that will bring a form of basic income and a form of basic income powered by a real market. And I would say, new and growing and thriving markets such as data and the market link to data markets such as digital advertising. Right. So our vision, our goal is this one and will always be, I would say, so everything we do is to basically empower this vision through different technologies, through different layers and more in general efforts. Right. So we started almost one year and a half ago with the token. So we went live in September 2021. And during this year and a half, basically in the first period, we worked a lot to keep the token alive. This meant to create all the infrastructure to allow the token to be integrated into a real market because we already had the data monetization via survey online. So basically as soon as the token was live and on the markets on PancakeSwap, we integrated the Web3 economy with, I would say, Web2 ecosystem that allows data monetization. Right. So the first effort was to be concrete and mainly bringing the token into a real economy, into a real, let’s say, business. And then what we did was actually working on the technology to scale the whole vision. So HUDI is about data, is about empowering people to own their data, to control their data. And this means that somehow the Internet has to change in order to empower that because right now users are the cash cows. And basically the data and the power is on business, big corporation, big servers, etc. So somehow our effort is to change the balance of the Internet and to bring more power to the people. And in doing this, we don’t have to be the first that don’t do what we say. So basically the original, I want to say the original model, but the previous version, the 1.0 version of HUDI was with the whole data management and data storage centralized. That no spoiler is how the whole Internet works right now from health services to Facebook to other services. Right. So basically, because we are working with data, with a lot of data, we didn’t want to become, let’s say, a hot and sexy target for data breaches, agress, etc. Because, of course, if you have 100 million of users that stores all their data from Facebook to Instagram, to help data on your servers, you’re going to be target number one for others. Right. Because you have a goldmine behind your security. So in order to avoid that, we worked and we built data storage and exchange technology that would not only allow us to scale without this security issue, but also to scale without, let’s say, the Web 2.0 costs that basically AWS or Microsoft, if you are open AI. Right. So and this is, I want to credit that and that’s Andrea’s effort and Andrea’s magic because we came up with a protocol that is EPW, so Interplanetary Data Wallet. Basically, what Andrea did, technology speaking, is creating the same innovation that crypto brought to digital money, but to data. So basically with the same technology that allows you to own your cryptocurrency, so a private and public key, EPW allows you to own your data with a private and public key. And this means that instead of having all the data in servers, all the data will be in people’s data wallet. So basically it’s the same, I would say, innovation and kind of approach that crypto brought to digital money, to digital ownership, about money, to sovereignty, about your own money, not your keys, not your money. The same is going to be with data. So not your keys, not your money, not your data. And basically, I would say that this second step allows us to start not to, I mean, if we would have continued to build and grow with a centralized approach on the data side, we would have become more, I would say, fragile or, , the more we grew, the more we were sexy for our tax. So taking a bit of time to develop this technology allows us not only to build, I would say, more new technology, new applications that will also will be more easily adopted because they are 100% private and safe. But also will open HUDI to new developers, to new start-up that want to build on top of this protocol using this protocol. So basically in the first step, we work to keep the crypto alive, giving him legs. In the second step, we work on the problem of around data scalability around servers, etc. So right now, after these two steps, the first step we did in the meanwhile was building Data Mask and Data Mask is basically the first application layer on top of the protocol. So Data Mask right now is a browser extension and spoiler alert is going to be released on also as a mobile application on Huawei in a few weeks. But basically, Data Mask is an application that we developed and it’s, I would say, the manifestation of the whole protocol and of all the values and vision itself. So it’s our application and allow us to create some feature for the users. And right now, Data Mask as a browser extension allows people to have a blocker, to have cashback in more than 1600 websites, allows to monetize advertising. Basically, not only you can block advertising, intrusive advertising, but you can allow a new kind of advertising that pays you for your data. So basically, each ads you see somehow is going to pay you because in order to be sent to your navigation, to your browsing experience, it meant you were targeted. So use some of your data and you’re going to get paid for that. So basically is our, I would say, the manifestation in the application layer of Hudi. I don’t want to be, let’s say, too specific, but that’s how we are right now. And from now on, what we are doing is empowering the vision even more, more specifically. But before saying that, I would let Andrea speak a bit about Data Mask and the work we are doing on Data Mask. Because right now, Data Mask is on the edge of the experience because it’s what users can install with one click. And at the same time is the application in which we can add feature and, I would say, technologies that are going to be immediately be used by users. So I would say that is going to be a wormhole with which we can actually immediately diffuse new technologies into the Hudi community. So Andrea,

Andrea: I can join you by introducing and announcing the fact that Data Mask is currently our main focus as an app development. But Data Mask is a different than where the user can interact. If you do a parallelism to the Web3 world, maybe the Web3 world would not exist if Meta Mask doesn’t exist. Because Meta Mask allows the end user, the final user, the clients to actually interact with the Web3 world with a flawless UI without all the technical stuff that’s involved in the Web3 world. Where we are now and where we were years ago is that the actual back end is proxied by the front end to interact with blockchain, a lot of complex structures and a lot of things. So Data Mask for us is the application, the application that the mobile application, the Chrome extension, the Safari browser extension that actually can be installed by all users with just a click going to the App Store, to the Chrome Web Store and installing it. In fact, I would like also to say that we are that we released Data Mask not only on Chrome, but we are already compatible and we released it on the App Store. If you go on your iPhone and you can install it. There is a version also on Firefox if you are maybe a more advanced user and you want to install it on Firefox. But the main focus for us is not developing the whole world and trying to interact with users and let them use another browser, another ecosystem like maybe some competitors. So if how Brave does, we want to just focus on the real problem and we just want to develop the solution. We don’t want to reinvent the wheel by scratch. We try to add the functionalities to the web world that are needed for our solution to monetize data. That’s why we develop Data Mask as an extension. This extension, I said a few minutes ago, can be installed also on iOS. So on your iPhone you can install the extension, you can install it on your Chrome desktop. So we focused on it and we also tried to introduce features that are not alone in the SDK. We developed the Ad Blocker solution. We developed a lot of features that with the Chrome extension can be made available instead of just web functionalities.

Franky: So it’s like… Let me jump real quick. Yeah, basically, I want to say that the approach we had with Data Mask is somehow, I don’t want to say unique because it’s pretentious, but in some ways unique because our goal was to, I would say, find a fit for our vision and technology in the current app or in this case browser extension market. But at the end of the day, what we are doing is, as I was mentioning before, having an application that somehow can manifest the vision, the values of the project. And I want to be a bit more specific with that. In the first version of HUDI, for whom of you are watching that experience the HUDI app, so that is still available on If you want to monetize data, you get service, right? So you get on the monetize side of the app and that you get a list of surveys that are available for you, meaning companies that wants to pay you for your data, for your answers, basically. So with Data Mask, this survey, and again, is the first and the lower hanging fruit for the data monetization, I would say brought to users is the survey industries, the survey product. So basically with Data Mask, we were able to notify people every time there was a new survey available, right? And this was somehow a myth or a dream months ago. I mean, in the community, the main, I wouldn’t say complain, but the main feedback was, can we get notified where there is an available survey? So and the answer was yes, with Data Mask. And then we had a different problem that because we are integrated with the, I would say, the 99% of the survey ecosystem in the world, you are spammed with survey notification right now. I mean, right now you get more than 10 bucks per day opportunities via surveys. And this somehow is a problem because when you browse, when you use the browser, you don’t want to spend the whole-time doing surveys, right? Also because the survey industry sucks, the infrastructure sucks, so the user experience right now is jumping from the first provider that is one of the two, I would say, main players. And then you jump from a smaller, a smaller, a smaller, maybe you can jump through three, four providers because before getting to the real survey and in doing that, you have maybe to repeat the same demographic survey five times, right? That’s retarded. It doesn’t make sense. But that’s the golden standard, the golden standard of the survey industry in 2023. So, our approach with Data Mask was, , not just to look at more interesting markets that we are doing so since months, but in general finding a solution for that. And even if, , it’s not a proper part of a browser extension that introduced themselves as a blocker or as a data wallet, right? What we’re doing is trying to fix real problems. So, in order to fix this problem, we are working and then I would let Andrea spoil a few, a couple of minutes about that. But we are working on a way to fully automate surveys.

Andrea: This is because surveys, let me join you by defining what surveys are. Surveys are just data mining opportunities, but data that you own already in maybe your browsing activities or maybe in the data, in the demographic that you already have compiled minutes before. It surveys is just a data mining opportunity, data ingestion opportunity.

Franky: So, I mean, sorry Andrea, basically, when you fill a survey, when I fill a survey for, I would say, a company, basically what’s going on, it’s a data exchange. So, I’m sending some of my data or some data from my point of view, whatever it is, to this company, right? But in doing so, maybe the data already there, maybe the question of the surveys is something I never thought about. So, I have to create new data on the spot. But at the end of the day, somehow, we’re interested in surveys because it’s an industry that is fully about data exchange between users and companies. But right now the infrastructure is via survey and is horrible. Sorry Andrea, let’s continue.

Andrea: In fact, the experience for the user is a bit complex. You have to re-input all the times the same data or maybe there are a few questions that are new. So, you have to think about it, maybe arrange your answer. But we focused in these days, in the past weeks, and also on a process to help the user to get the data out from their data wallet. So, the user has a data wallet where there are some data. You have on another side, you have surveys. So, there is someone that are asking for your data. But the form, the structure where the data buyer is asking you for a question is, , it is called natural language. So, in English speaking, the answer, what’s your age? And you have to choose between options. I’m 18, 25, I’m 25, 35, and so on. So, it is just, you have your age. There is a question, how to match them to help the user to how to answer, to get the answer in a few milliseconds. So, we developed a technology to help the user fill these forms. And it is the same as natural language processing technologies. You surely know ChatGPT and OpenAI. They are just natural language processing models that can interact and then can interpret these natural language texts. So, you can speak with an AI in English. You have not to just input some code, some technical stuff. You can tell, hey AI, I need this data. I want you to write an essay on something. So, this type of interaction that should be the future also of the computer science, we focused on this technology to create a module inside DataMask that will be released in a few days, maybe weeks to help the users to fill these forms. So, with data that they already have mined minutes ago, or days ago, or months ago, because there is the data wallet, that it is the basic container of data where the natural language model can pull data out. So, this is our technology and we hope that it will help survey providers on their side and also users to interact with those survey providers with a better UI. Not only better UI, but with a better experience. Frankie, I think that we will be ready and we will have also another live that could be focused on this technology once we will release in beta and then we will release for the public.

Franky: Absolutely, yes. I mean, we decided as a good, I would say, improvement for 2023 to do this live session monthly. So, we will have more room to tell you what we’re doing, what’s going on, to show you new features, even if they are, I would say, in alpha or just in the backlog or if it’s something we are working on. But more in general, yes, what Andrea was saying in few words is, in order to improve the user experience about data, and in this case about data monetization via surveys, we are already ready to implement AI technologies. So, specifically in this case, we are testing and will be released for the beta tester that it’s something we never spoke about, but we will do later. And AI will be available for the beta tester to test this data mask feature in which basically in background, an AI will answer surveys for you based on the data you shared with them via data wallet. So, basically, right now you receive, I would say, 50 survey notification per day or per hour, maybe, I don’t know. Tomorrow, if you’re going to be a beta tester, there’s going to be an AI in background trying to monetize each one of those opportunities. So, I would say, I would say, fetish about surveys, but, , it’s just a part of the data monetization that there is a market, direct market for monetizing data already there. So, it’s now a challenge for us, because we are focused on this issue, on this opportunity, , figuring out the survey industry in a proper way, it’s one of our focuses. And, , we mentioned a lot of times, data monetization via surveys or via market research is just one of the many ways to monetize data. And as I mentioned, probably the lower hanging fruit, but there is another fat and juicy fruit that we are working on. And John, I think, and Gigi would be happy to tell you guys more about.

Gianluigi: No, I mean, I just wanted to do a quick, a quick talk from each of you before going on with our schedule on today live. I think it’s the opportunity to explain HUDI also for who is not into it, because now we are still a small community. We have a huge user base in the world right now. So I think it’s gonna, it’s gonna be a really interesting path, a really interesting journey this weekend does with the HUDI and with our community that is gonna grow is gonna grow independently from our monthly talks. It’s gonna grow because we are working. We are working and working. We are working the path of building solutions that are being adopted by thousands of people. Okay. And that’s another point. And that’s why before, , I think you were asking me, Frankie, to talk about the ads. I suppose. Okay. That I don’t want to spoiler now. Let me see. Yes, like half an hour. We are we are live. But Yeah, there are some questions. Wonderful. So, guys, ask all the questions you want, because at the end of these, I hope to say brief and short, , overview about the most important things of our accomplishment of our vision and on our, , projects, ongoing workflow, let’s say. We are going to read all the questions and answer to everything. But I think it’s going to be really comprehensive. Also, I see a question about marketing and so on. It’s all covered in today live. So, Frankie, I would love to start to start to continue having a look at our blog, because people probably don’t know that we have ongoing, always running communication channel here on Medium. That is our blog. I don’t know if everybody knows that. But here you can find all the announcement, all the information, all the recap. And now we started 2023 with this new the loop, this new update newsletter, let’s say. So here we can find all the information every I don’t remember every month. Yeah, around the 15th of every month. We bring all the lastest news, all the information, because we did a lot of things. So we are working a lot. There are a lot of people working right now in HUDI, but we saw that our communication was not enough to let the community be updated. Or sometimes there are so many messages you receive during the day that if it’s just one channel. So we want to go all channels with our updates also because it could be a monthly time moment to refocus our view to let the community be in contact to our communities or to more people to collaborate or to give an update of what we are doing.

Franky: I want to I want to add just one thing on this side. After FTX, the I would say the whole crypto environment changed, not only the environment, but the whole narrative. And the crypto industry is hard to understand, is hard to work in because everything is interconnected and somehow is super open, super, super, somehow transparent. But in some cases not. So basically, the thing is, one of our thoughts has always been, I wouldn’t say don’t be compromised, but in general, , every run, every wave, there is a major, a major player that goes down and brings down with him some other players that, , he work with, he invested in or whatever. We saw it in the first in the in the past. We saw it in this in this run. So basically how you manage, I would say also the partnership, the investments, the deals on the token level. It’s something that can affect the project, no matter how the project is good, no matter how you’re working on the project. So something we are very sensitive about is doing big deals with the tokens or or maybe also, I would say, deals that maybe are not that sustainable. So we always avoided that. And that’s why we are we’re giving a big, big thought about the the, I would say, roadmap of the token in terms of partnering with crypto players is something we we are very selective about. And and the other thing is the other thing is that when you when you work in the in the crypto sphere, when you give somebody tokens, , as happened with the FTX and a lot of projects, Alameda Research and FTX invested in, you cannot go back. They’re going to use it improperly. You’re going to you’re going to leave the side effects of that. So saying about that, just to add that we have been very selective with the partners we are working with and we will work with in the in the future that we’ll announce. But more in general, we are more, I would say, focused on on the on the core business that would be the engine for the tokenomics more than working on the token as a as a, , as I would say, the most crypto ventures does.

Gianluigi: Yes. Also that, OK, we anticipated some information about the token, something that we can I mean, we are going to have a look here to see what was, , our last issue of the loop to say the all the updated that we are already, , announced. So that I’m asking, as Andrea said, is now available on Safari, desktop and mobile Firefox. There is a block feature improved and a lot of it. I want to read the list, but, , you can find it here. And the most I mean, so we have a lot of technical improvement, but it’s not actually technical. It’s actually everything. It’s , it’s a new feature. It’s a new update. It gives a new tool. So a new element of the ecosystem, let’s say, to improve the ecosystem about the token we are doing, , path, I don’t know to say, but we are being helped by the chain we are working with to, , do a lot of different, , update and so on. So now we did this migration that Andrea, if you want to spend a couple of words about it.

Andrea: I can just say that this is an operation that we have done to improve security of HUDI reserves. So in order to improve the security of these pools of reserves, we introduced the multi-signature safes that are a technology to let funds to be withdrawn only by some wallet and not just on one single key. This is because there could be a single point of failure if you use a single private key. But if you use many of those private keys, surely there will be not so many security flows that are using a single private key.

Gianluigi: It means to let HUDI funds even more secure. You cannot take one of us or all of us. There are also people in the other part of the world. Nobody can move the funds alone. But we are very strict on this.

Franky: Yes, John, just to add some context, basically, we did something similar back in 2022 when we did with Certik. So basically what an audit is, a professional, an expert reads your contracts, gives a look at your projects and suggests you some fixes or improvements in order to be in that case to give you a report and a score. In this case, we are doing the same, but with crypto partners, we cannot disclose names or anything yet. But basically, we did an audit and they give us several suggestions to fix or to improve in order to continue, let’s say, this exploration of collaboration, just to be general enough and not specific. But basically, yes. And this is also part of some changes we did on the DeFi side that we are going to speak about at the end, maybe because it’s already a question I read on the chat. Please, Gigi.

Gianluigi: Yes, what was going on with our recap? It was OK. OK, we did talk and we saw these up completed and fix from detection for community launch. So the fraud detection was finally complete. It was ranked as a low, , urgency thing just because it was a fraud and we want to be sure to analyze it in the time, , to have time to analyze everything and to be sure, , to do the right selection of, , of the malevolent. And do not, , we also decide not to penalize all the accounts, but only the leads that were not, , being verified as human. That was the point, basically. So everything was be everything has been published in details and already released one month ago, I guess. Or so I don’t remember. But everything, , with the review also with the community and everything. So it’s a good milestone that we can say we closed because it was something open. Then the DAPP. I don’t know if you want to say something about the DAPP, Frankie. In progress, not released.

Franky: Yes, basically with the advent of the EPDW, the protocol, we, the HUDI app, so the platform you access via is going to become a legacy version. Because fundamentally, we won’t need the I mean, the project, the application layer will not need any server, any backend, but will be fully integrated with the data wallet. So with EPDW, this means that the HUDI DAPP will be, I would say, the main platform and is going to be fully decentralized because it’s going to have no backend. It’s going to have I mean, not fully, fully because we have some integration with Web2 ecosystems like surveys. But in general, the user side is going to be probably one of the most decentralized experience available on the Internet. Maybe Andrea can correct what I’m saying. But so basically, the DAPP is going to be the where you’re going to be able to see what’s on your data wallet is where you’re going to be able to add more data inside your data wallet. We are data connectors that you guys already known in the centralized version. But basically, it’s going to what right now in the data bank is that data sources is going to be data connectors. Because basically, if right now when you upload your Instagram file, basically you are you are uploaded in your data bank inside all the server with the EPDW, all these front end is going to act just as a middleman to allow you to upload this file from your computer to your data wallet. So basically, the whole technology we will work on the whole ecosystem is not going to be Web2 nor in some sense Web3, but it’s going to be peer to peer. Basically, our users is going to consist in a data wallet connected to the SDK in that case, in this case, the HUDI DAPP. So you will have, I would say several layers of authentication or trust ability of that data wallet based on some data points that wallet is going to have inside something similar we did with the community launch in which we integrated the API Binance Coinbase just to retrieve the information if the account connected had a valid KYC. And the unique code of that KYC. We called it zero knowledge KYC because basically, we can know you’re real without the need and the ability to have all the details about you, or the need to do a full KYC, but basically the protocol and the whole approach with the protocol is going to be the same. So a zero-knowledge approach on users, the more the ecosystem will grow is not going to mean the more HUDI’s database will grow with people’s data. People’s data is going to stay in people’s devices and peoples are going to be able to empower to decide who can access which data until they decide they will not access it anymore, basically. So right now we laid out the infrastructure for this decentralized peer to peer network, I would call it, and the DAPP is going to be the application, the dashboard control the control panel that we will develop for the data wallet, basically. And then data mask is going to be integrated in this process, right? So there’s going to be the protocol, the HUDI app, and then data mask is going to be the application that brings together both the protocol and the DAPP somehow.

Andrea: I just would like to be in cheesy on saying that we already developed this new version of the DAPP that is currently in beta testing channel, , We can show it to… I think we are already one hour off. Yeah. I would just like to say that we already developed, we will improve it, but it is really to be launched and we are fixing something and it could be released in a few weeks. So we developed a lot of interesting things too. So we will expect to release it soon.

Gianluigi: Yeah. I think we produced a lot of things, a lot of technology, and we didn’t even have the chance to communicate all of those well. Also because a lot of things are work in progress, a lot of things are, but there are several points in which, , users are connected to organizations. Via HUDI, that is the DAPP or data mask. So HUDI build already the first, , the first bridges between the outside world and the users. Yes. To the first connections, to let the first data transactions be live. We released several months ago already the first report of the data exchange. So the first numbers is small numbers, but it was like 50,000. I don’t remember, but everything is, , and it’s the beginning. The really interesting things is that now with the upgrading of our technology stack by stack, let’s say, layer by layer, we now have the ability to, , let’s say you have a data wallet and you can match all those data with surveys automatically by an AI. That’s magic. And that’s possible because we are building the very structure that can, , let all of this happen.

Franky: Yeah, the more we’re building infrastructure, the more the future and the possibility will unfold. And I want to add one more thing is right what you said that we didn’t communicate it, I would say properly or the all the news, all the things we are working on, but he has been a very thick year. And on the crypto side with FTX, all the bear market, etc. On the other side, OpenAI, chatGPT release, , it’s a huge, huge, huge innovation. And you can’t just ignore that and, , keep having the same roadmap you had before it. Right. So it’s something I don’t want to say that they focused us, but it’s something we give it a hard look, a hard thought. And we find a way to fully integrate it in our roadmap and in our infrastructure and ecosystem because AI is changing everything and it’s going to be bigger each month. So, , it’s something we couldn’t ignore. And even if it has, , in our white paper, it’s always going to be there as one of the, I would say, the data hangry markets. Right. So right now is a topic I don’t want to open a new conversation, but basically right now there is a huge conversation, discussion about how to fine tune AI’s. And when you fine tune an AI, is your right to use somebody else’s data. So the example was based on Twitter data. There was a huge data set that trained OpenAI, ChatGPT. The same happened for Reddit, but Reddit is not of, it hasn’t any, I would say, connection with ChatGPT and OpenAI. So basically they somehow use somebody else’s property to train their model. So this is a conversation going on. And this was one of the ways of monetizing data with AI. But right now it’s happening. So we wouldn’t let it, I would say, pass just saying it passing, but we actually work on integrating it. So right now you’re going to see the auto survey that is going to be fun and hopefully, I would say, remunerative. But we’re working on something even bigger that is called EPDI, I guess, but Andrea knows it better, but I don’t want to spoil it now.

Andrea: Well, the API is something that we are working on and maybe in future lives we will share a bit more. But it is a breakthrough technology against surely the things that are happening behind OpenAI. So it is really open, OpenAI, I don’t know. I leave this live with this. No, I can answer. It’s not open. It’s not open. It’s closed AI. It’s really simple. Yeah, closed AI, exactly.

Gianluigi: OK, last thing I want to say that we are releasing some data about DataMask that for the one who follow us on social media, we already share some analytics. And now we release some data about we have more or less 25,000 early adopters that are already using monthly DataMask. I can show here we have our last communication. So 25,000 people and 2.5 million page views in the first month. And it means we have millions of page views in DataMask. That means that thousands of people are using regularly DataMask talking about thousands. I repeat this because, , it’s good. We already started and there is already a lot of people that is using and trusting DataMask to block ad to all the feature that we saw in the past. And using it a lot means for all the navigation. And this is a channel for us. It’s a channel. HUDI has a channel to let, , organizations connect with users. This is our goal, , create technology to let users collect, protect, recollect their data to trade it fairly and transparently. And that’s why the HUDI protocol. And also to let organization use those data or use those data to connect. To connect with the right audience in order to send messages to whatever, , is the goal to give a promotion to show an advertising or to give, , to ask for data for a survey for a market research. So this is HUDI. And in this, , in this ecosystem, DataMask is like, , a product that is like, , DataMask. The name itself is the name of a mask for data, , a mask for the data also because companies, organizations don’t want us, want our data, our DataMask. Let’s say so instead of our data, we can have a data mask to filtrate, to manage everything in between. And saying that, I think I can also announce like a similar organization, older organization than HUDI, but in some intent, in some way similar, Brave did that created these basic attention token that is a token that reward attention, but doesn’t count data. So it takes data out of the equation. It says we don’t use users data. We don’t let companies use user data. So we show ads for all. They block the ads. They show their ads, Brave ads. And they have a lot of, , users like 50 million users, , want to, , do publicity. But it’s fine because they also use Brave. It’s fine. I love the Crypt ecosystem and I love that we are also competing and probably in the future also collaborating. Who knows? Because our force, it’s, , for the collaboration more than the competition. Saying that we are going to use for HUDI the same strategy that Brave adopted for his bot that is selling ads. So we are beta launching invite only our advertising network, advertising system that is covered with 250,000 and counting HUDI users. And these 25,000 users is growing every day in data mask. And we also are opening a still beta opening the audience network. So like Facebook audience network, we are going to have a HUDI audience network with partners that I want. I don’t want to disclose any names of bigger or smaller partners that we are acquiring just because we are in beta. So it’s invite only. It’s like if we know we talk about it, we didn’t, , created any marketing about that and so on. So we are talking with the partners in the industry. We are already talking with our other brands and, , that we know in the ecosystem. This is going to be huge. It’s going to be huge because if Brave has 50 million users and active users monthly and counting. It means that first of all, it’s a really small number in the browsing industry because just Chrome, that is the biggest, of course, has 2.6 billion monthly active users to 2.6 billion. So 50 million looks like a lot. If you have 50 million users, you are, let’s say, the top 50 or 100 crypto in the world, probably 50 or less. So that’s where we are aiming at. Even better, of course. But, , one step after the other. And this is the path. The path is if Brave doing the advertising business without data, only paying for attention and we only pay for data that is not, , the data that will pay also in another network or not only in HUDI network. Only for now, for the HUDI network to start up everything. But it’s going to work the more, , as I said, the more collaboration, the better it is. So we are aiming to really do interesting and important numbers in the advertising field. Also because it’s our field, we are we were born, let’s say, in the digital advertising industry. So we really know really well this industry. We are well known in the space and we know the people that could help our journey. But it’s an open journey. So in the future, we will release also collaboration opportunity with HUDI because HUDI aim to be an open system that everybody, every single person that contributes to it, that give, , his energy, his effort, his whatever it is they collaborate with HUDI will get rewarded by that. This is our philosophy, always has been and always will. That’s our way to see an organization. The DAO is like that probably is now is too early for a DAO, but it’s the aim of that, that is a project managed and governed by decentralized organization. And that reward every single stakeholder, let’s say every single person, user organization that in any ways help to grow this mission because it’s a mission that is biggest than us and is biggest than the what HUDI is right now. OK, so I don’t want to go on with a lot of technical information. I want just to say that we are going to release the new roadmap in February, I guess. We are working on all the dates and all the, , the planning to move on in the next months. But, , we didn’t stop to plan because we are working and delivering things one after the other. We have the the plan in mind. Now we will share with, , everybody in the next weeks. I don’t want to I don’t know if you want to add something. If not, I also want to say about, , this is our vision. I think we said for today enough. We have a lot of things to talk about our vision, the frogs, the movement that we want to create, the tools that we want to create. HUDI Arts is just a name for this tool that that has the goal to let people connect with organizations directly. , we see the coming from the advertising space. We see that the most, , the most sold goods are data. And we know that and also attention. Those are the two main goods that are sold in the market. And I think that in the future, we are going to we are going to take back control also on our attention. Let’s say I want to see these. I don’t want to see that, of course, based on our data. So it’s really connected. It’s really connect to the because it’s human data income. And if data is used to manage our attention, to filter our attention, to accept or not accept, , offer to participate or not in survey to be or not to be targeted by an advertising. This is the value of our data in the attention market. And we think we can build and we are open for, , start-ups to build on HUDI, on our technology solutions that help people take back control over the to analyze their data, to to take more power from their data. So now we’re building this ecosystem and these tools to first of all, the data wallet, you need your data stored somewhere in order to do whatever you want. Then you need a protocol or a way to exchange those data, to read, to edit, to delete, to add and so on. And then you can build and we are building on that.

Franky: Yeah, I just want to add on top of that, that the as Gigi was mentioning, the protocol is going to is going to is allowing everybody to build application as solution on top of it. And this means that because for the first time people will be able to to own to be sovereign about their data, basically, they’re going to be a lot of new application, new solution, new business that can be started. As an example, we created a couple of demos that are available on And basically, these are three examples, but we’re going to add more. Three examples on how you can, let’s say, use the protocol to bring an application, a solution to the market. So, for example, on top you will on the demo page, you will be able to enjoy a demo of decentralized and private OnlyFans. So basically, the pictures and the purchase data is not going to be on a centralized server that, , if somebody breaches OnlyFans, it’s going to be leaked the whole customer list of all OnlyFans celebrities, etc. But, , on top of the protocol, you can do you can bring the same experience, the same application, but the decentralized, I would say, peer to peer and private way. So there are a few examples on the page. We’re going to add more. And the cool thing is that as we were trying to explain, we are building several stack of technologies. But the cool thing is that we are doing that always with in mind the goal to be integratable, interoperable and stackable. So basically, when we’re going to work with the AI, it’s going to be integratable in the HUDI protocol, one click in less than a week. So, I mean, everything we do is basically something that at the end of the day is going to be a feature of DataMask for now or somehow something that empowered the end user. So building on top of the protocol is going to be not only possible, but I think in the second part of this year, we will also open some programs for startupers, for builders with grants and whatever. Because at the end of the day, the cool thing of the HUDI token and the power that somehow the project and the ecosystem will have to help project is that it’s going to be a mean not only for people’s data. So basically, if you’re an AI startup and you need a bunch of data to fine tune your AI to deliver your promise and HUDI gives you a grant, it means that with that grant, you can not only fine tune the AI buying those data, but also with HUDI ads using that grant to acquire the early adopters of your innovation of your technology. So basically everything we do is to empower the project, empower the token, empower the ecosystem and empower people as a final goal, I would say.

Gianluigi: All right. Yeah, I think we saw a lot. A quick view and words about the crypto that we are planning a listing for probably the first or the second quarter of 2023. We will announce it on, of course, properly when it’s the time. We are now deciding all the details, let’s say. But we are talking basically with all the most important exchanges. We will start with I don’t want to disclose anymore, but we will start with one listing, just one listing in this market that I am not sure it’s indicated, because it’s like doing the listing. The first centralized exchange listing is an important event. It’s like from one side, we are happy to go ahead, move forward, like it was we are not in a recession, we are not in the crypto winter. And on the other side, we think and we are still thinking a lot. We had a lot of thought about the idea of, , wait for a better moment for the market. But in the end, I think we will do it anyway. , we always miss the wave. I think it’s also we are building our own wave. That’s the point. We are not building on hype. So saying that we are going to release all the news officially. This is, , a talk, open talk in live. So we have a policy to respect. We try to be compliant every time we speak, because we are speaking also with the VCs, accelerators, with a lot of players in the industry. And as the token is always something also, also if it’s a mere utility token that has its utility, that is just an utility token as there is the market and so on. We want to be cautious in what we say because we never give financial advice and so on. But as we are working in the edge of technology, in the edge of organization creation, because let’s remember that, , an LTE, an LLC, whatever company you name, it’s a construction from somebody in the past that decide, OK, let’s create this phantasmagorical, this ideal persona identity that is the construct. It’s called a company. You give it a name and you open for it the bank account. It has a representative. It’s all human construction. In the same way, the DAO movement, the crypto movement, the movement of, , the tokenization movement, let’s say the Bitcoin movement. It’s in another way that technology allowed to organize people, organize communities, people, teams in order to do what? To achieve goals, to set goals and achieve goals, every sort of goals. So we are experimenting in this new wave of technology on the very edge where there is a lot of the times there is not yet, , the regulations and all this. But also in this situation, we try to work with the best professionals, with all the people that is in charge to do all these steps in the right way. So HUDI invested a lot on all the data compliance, legal compliance to be 100 percent sure we are working. But we a lot of a lot of times we talked about that, but probably it’s never enough. But now we are also creating this decentralized model where you don’t need to trust us anymore. Also, if we are working with the best professionals to be the 100 percent transparent, we want to be, , that’s why decentralization in this all the peer to peer protocols that we built and all these new features we are going to release in the next months. So it’s more than an hour. I don’t want to go. It’s like one hour and twenty we are talking. So I would love to thank Frankie and Andrea if you want to pick some question. I don’t know if you saw some question that we didn’t answer or you want to.

Franky: Yeah, I just want to answer quickly a couple of question. So basically one question was about marketing. Q. Why we didn’t if we spend more on marketing. We did a marketing test lately. We invested some case on marketing campaigns on ads basically to acquire users on data mask. But we stopped or we start, let’s say, invest less because right now we are fixing some bugs on the application, improving the application in general. So and our approach in general, also to answer the question is to invest in advertising, in marketing when we need to scale the user acquisition. So right now we did a test. We have enough users to test what we need to test to improve what we need to improve. As soon as the numbers are good from our point of view, we’ll open the, we’ll start doing massive marketing. But it’s going to be focused mainly at the beginning, mainly on user acquisition on data mask. We are not going to invest in be on magazines or on Wall Street or on bullshit like that. We’re going to invest in acquiring users at the lowest price possible and then maximize the revenue that a user, a person inside the HUDI can generate via the technology we provide them.

Gianluigi: Yeah, if I can say a couple of words about that as a former CMO, as I love to define myself, head of growth, , more head of growth, non marketing, but let the product be the marketing. Then we are going to, of course, as our background as performance marketing specialists and digital marketing advertising in the data side, so data drive and advertising, we are going to use again as for data mask. We did several campaigns, we tested all the traffic sources to have complete and clear idea about all the KPIs, the costs. We have the cost for download, the cost for lead, cost of acquisition, let’s say the average CPM, all the information for all the different countries because we are we run we are running and we run. Global advertising campaign and more on that, more on marketing as we started because the biggest marketing effort that we want to be sure we have is from our community. That’s why we started with the community launch. That’s why we believe and we continue to do these decentralized marketing, releasing tools to do that, releasing technical tools to do that, to do that better, to use these skills also for other projects and to let people and organization to use that. But first of all, to let HUDI grow, we will let people, as I said before, as we always said, take, , take back a part of the value he generated. OK. There is a wonderful question that I want to ask each of you if you want.

Question: how confident are you that HUDI will make its mark in the future? There is also another question about exchange, Binance exchange, listed of Binance exchange that we’ll answer later.

Franky: Now, this is a nice question from Giovanni. Yeah, I mean, from my point of view, you don’t have control on the final result, but you have control on the process. So basically, we’re we again, spoken plural in this case, we’re doing our best to achieve HUDI vision. And we decide, let’s say the steps we takes in this in this roadmap, in this journey, always with the project project in mind. So basically, if we decide to spend more time on the protocol because it needs a bit more time before being released, that’s only for the sake of the project. When we delayed the anti fraud checks for the community launch, that was because we just released the token and we couldn’t focus on that because we had the whole crypto crypto journey that just started, that just began. So we had the hands-on deck on the project, on the product, on the crypto, on the defi, etc. So, I mean, you don’t have control on the end result, but we are doing our best. We picked we are picking the best ingredients because we have a cryptocurrency. We have a utility token and is one of the most hottest asset existing right now. Our project is on, I would say, trend on democratization, decentralization, disintermediation. So basically, we are not doing something gold or something with friction. And our, I would say, main business is allowing people to became, I would say, data brokers of their data. And data is the new gold. And it is became bigger and bigger day after day. And now we don’t with the I advent is going to accelerate even more. So, I mean, I’m confident on the choose we did on the on the on the decision we make every day. Of course, nobody’s perfect. Nobody has the crystal ball to knows if you’re doing the best option available. But I would say we’re working hard and the and the basics are there.

Gianluigi: Yeah. Right. If you want to add something,

Andrea: I just want to have that we are in a period where there are nice and soft. The AI is data. OK. Is that a base? And the AI itself are data. OK. So the machine learning model that you already know is just matrices that are multiplying by themselves. So we are focusing on the main problem of the nowadays and the future days. So the more cautious that we will that we are and will be the most specific solution and we will propose to the market. So also for the day I we worked to integrate also for the surveys. We can we can show the possibilities of data mining, data ingestion, data producing combined with the eye that produce data and so on. So we want to feed this loop. We want to create and feed this loop to create increase the value. So I think we are on the good way, the right way.

Gianluigi: Wonderful. Yes, it’s a tricky question. Frank, you want to say something? No, no, I wanted to hear your answer. Oh, yeah. I mean, it’s a tricky question because how confident are you that HUDI will make its mark in the future? It’s like our first of all, it’s our dream. Let’s start from here, because sometimes nobody has the crystal ball. Nobody’s know the future. Nobody know what the future has in mind for us or what’s going to happen. But everything started with the vision, with a dream, with an idea and working and shaping that idea to make it concrete, to make it possible to use it. And that’s what we are doing since the very beginning of HUDI, when it was really different from what it is now, but it actually is what it is now. Probably the first idea now is combining again with what is now HUDI. So I know that you can, , in this new market, we are not opening a restaurant. We are not opening a beauty salon. We are not opening a marketing. It’s not a marketing agency. It’s not a software as a service company. It’s not a classic software company. It’s a new experiment, let’s say. It’s a new experiment with new tools that we are imagining and creating. So that’s why it takes time. That’s why, , it’s also fascinating. It’s the very edge of what you can create right now. And our vision is that, , I always like to do that because we have several products on HUDI. Every single product that we developed that is now embryonal is now really small, , is now potential, let’s say, but is actually built. So we have the raw technology. There is a company, one and of course, more companies that only with that product, only with that specific feature, that is a full company, one company that only has that product that has the value of billions and raised billions or hundreds of millions or millions of dollars. So it means we are working on a really complex system and ecosystem, an ecosystem that has a lot of money to fuel this kind of innovation. That’s why we are also working on, let’s I would call traditional, but it’s start-up, , a start-up financial journey, let’s say, is not traditional. But now it’s even more classic than crypto, , the crypto journey. But we are also going in that direction because, , that is a well trusted and well already, , prepared path to walk. I won’t say it’s easy to walk, but there is a lot of knowledge, a lot of money already, and in the bear market, it’s probably the best solution. But back to the question of I’m sure I’m sure that we are working on the edge of technology. We’re working on the edge of the problems and solutions because it’s startup and Web3 startup working with the eye, , with all the new technology that comes in. And that’s the our also our, , point of, let’s say, a good point of strength for us. That is flexibility because, , a new way I came in or a new things came in. We are able as a protocol, as an organization to take the best things from all the different environments and combining the new technologies that we are creating. So that’s why. And to close about this question, I think only with the data mask if done properly. And that’s the challenge to try to hit the market, to build good products that works to let people know those products. Those are the challenges. But I think we have we have the right people to do that. We are onboarding, , new people that can that are helping to do that properly. So I see really, really, really, really good future for HUDI. I mean, just for the comparison with Brave, that is a small part of the HUDI ecosystem. A really small part is data mask. Let’s say data mask plus HUDI ads. That is a 15 million user platform with a 2.6 billion user potential user for data mask. That is only Chrome, That is that now we will restart the Huawei app. That means 100 millions of potential users collaboration with Huawei, also in ads and so on. So a lot of new things are coming and we are working really, really hard. And I think we will see soon things happen because we are pushing so hard for from so many time. And we are releasing a lot of good products. We are we have in this path. We just need, , more money, more funding. That’s we are solving also this problem. We are competing with these colossal organizations that raise millions, 50 million that has, , hundreds of millions in their bank account. We are working with peanuts money and we need to change that. That’s why we are also starting this financial journey. But also it’s why we are starting HUDI ads because it’s a business we already managed to scale to several millions. So up to that step, we can do that. And but it’s so, so, , big to scale with the ads that we can, , it’s the Google business. It’s Facebook business. Just I want just to say so. It’s one of the biggest business in the world. So I think that HUDI ads will be really interesting to follow, really interesting in our side to grow and to make it a very good ecosystem. Also because it’s the first ecosystem that pays back the users for his data. We want to say that is the best one in the world. It’s the first advertising network, attention network that pays the users for the use of their data.

Franky: Yeah. I just want to add one last thing that basically what we are doing right now is focusing on delivering the utility of the token. So and the most important thing that is, I would say, somehow counterintuitive about HUDI that HUDI is and is going to be the first cryptocurrency that peoples are going to earn, not for an airdrop, but because they have something valuable in their not wallet, but data wallet that they can exchange with the ecosystem via the protocol to get some economic benefit. Some economic value back. And this value is going to be in HUDI tokens. So our approach to I would call it the token marketing. So how you will you want to market the token is we’re not focusing on marketing the token for traders or for investors. That’s something that, , if you do your job properly is going to come later, sooner or later. So we are focusing on delivering the utility, meaning the right now people receive the token for the data via surveys in the in the near future, they’re going to be paid for their data for the ads they see. So basically for the targeting of the advertising and it’s going to be, I think, the first time in the history that something like this happens. So basically we’re focused on the utility because if we focus on the utility, then the business model works. People will receive value from from thin air that basically is from data via UDI crypto. And this is when, , the vision is going to is going to reach the first version, the first manifestation, I would say. So that’s our main focus.

Gianluigi: Wonderful. Wonderful. Yeah. It’s always great to hear progress that you’re doing with the project, the reading comments that also write in Italian. Yeah, no, I mean, we have we have a great journey to walk. And we need more and more people to join because it’s gonna be a great journey. Great. We want to really bring this great change in the industry. And as it’s so big, the first people to be convinced to believe in it, it’s us, , because it’s really a big change in the market that we are trying to make. And in already big numbers for the actual human being, , 20,000 people, two hundred fifty thousand people, you win politics, election with these numbers, , that are the people on board the Nudy from all over the world. So it’s a small, small nation, but it’s going to it’s already a city, , in this digital environment. And as we love to say, HUDI is the kind of token is the kind of crypto that has the possibility to reach. If we do, of course, a good job, HUDI has the possibility to reach millions, if not billions of people just because it’s designed to be earned, not because you play a game that create no value. Not because it’s hyper, not because whatever, , is the new trend, but because you are exchanging real accountable value in the market that has already a value that is already being exchanged. But you are not considered as a part of that exchange of value. That’s what is happening right now. There is every minute two million dollars of exchange of our data every single minute. We are not in the equation. We are not get paid. We are not notified. We have no transparency on that zero. We are trying to change that. We are building technology and now people can, , using the technology, help himself. So help the cause. So I think that some of our users, some of the people that we will reach via this message, via this, , communication that we we started that we want to do is going to be somebody that we all only receive money for his, , use of Internet for because he used data mask because he gave data to survey. But I’m sure that now that we focus a bit on the message, on the change we are building in the world, in the in the system, we will have more and more people to join the cause. To help HUDI become bigger and bigger, because HUDI, I don’t know if it’s the first, but most most of all, it’s it’s core business. The core business, let’s say, of HUDI is to be a shield for users data. To not have the access to that data. So the centralized ownership like Bitcoin for money and to give them more opportunity as possible to the users to have to benefit from their data economically with, , with his attention, with his action, whatever opportunity involving his data should be delivered in a channel, a clear channel that is actionable, that is accountable, that is, , that can pays you wherever you are in the world. Also, if you are in Africa, you don’t have a bank account. You can be paid for your data or via HUDI. That’s our vision and our mission. And I think that I said a lot, but we are step by step reaching this vision. I want to close with the opening that was about the token, that is something that we said why we don’t love to talk about the price and so on, because it’s something that could be so as a financial advice and so on, because if I have to say what I think about HUDI price, , it could be a leverage for somebody to buy or to do whatever it could be. So, I don’t want to speak about the price or not be, , say to not create type, to not create form or to just talk about the project that is the most important thing and that if the project goes on, the price will do the same. And as I want to close with the interview of Jeff Bezos that said, OK, the price dropped because all the market dropped, but we are focused on building. And now all our KPIs are a hider. Same things for HUDI. We have more users, more products, more technology, more people working, more attention, more connection, more VC talking with us, talking with everybody in the space. So, everything is better and the market goes whenever the emotion of the collective human beings goes. But we are here, we are building. OK, guys, thank you very much for listening. Also, a little bit of this live. Thank you very much to Andrea for his precious participation and to Frankie. Ahoy,

Frankie. Thank you, guys. Ahoy.

Andrea: Thank you guys, Ciao

***Live Concluded***

📌 Dowload Datamask Extension

📌 HUDI protocol documentation

🐸🏴‍☠️ About HUDI

HUDI is the #1 Data Monetization Ecosystem empowering People and Organizations to Collect, Enrich and Trade their Data for a Profit. For each transaction, HUDI redistributes up to 70% of the total value and 50% goes to the owner of the data.

HUDI has its own utility token (HUDI), with a total supply of69,420,000.80085 which is used for staking, transaction fees, exchange in crypto markets for other cryptocurrencies or FIAT and buy products and services on its ecosystem.

For more information, please take a look at our:

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Human Data Income

The #1 Data Monetization Ecosystem empowering people and organizations to collect, enrich and trade their data for a profit