5 Questions To Ask Your Business

Aadarsh Pandey
Humane Space
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2022

It’s all brand strategy related!

Designed by Aadarsh Pandey (Humane Space LLP), Powered by A.I.

Hello there!

If you’re reading this, you must be or aspire to be an entrepreneur. When you stand in a position where you’ve to take responsibility for those around you, you get to understand the true meaning of what Uncle Ben said all those years ago.

In a rapid world of cryptocurrencies and NFTs, you must be focused enough to sustain your steady-moving business. Doing everything at once will confuse you, and before you know it, you’re lost. So, how do you tackle these situations and manage to be ahead of your competition simultaneously?

Well, you can start with strategy. Whether you have a fully-operating business or you’re just starting, you can definitely benefit from a good and thoughtful brand strategy. For those who don’t know, Brand Strategy is a tool that helps mold the most crucial pillars that you and your business stand on.

From helping you figure out “why, what, how, and who” about your business to generating decisions that can help you take the next step in the right direction, it is proven to be the most powerful tool a business can have. To give you a clear and compelling idea, here are 5 questions you need to ask your business right now:

  1. Who are you talking to?
    Are you marketing to the right person? Or, Are you trying to sell luxury high-end watches to hunters?
  2. Is that how you speak?
    In what (visual and vocal) language is your brand speaking to your target audience? Do they get your message loud and clear?
  3. Wait a minute, WHO are you?
    Does your audience understand your brand? Does your brand’s personality come across clearly through its marketing materials? Is your brand perceived how you want it to be?
  4. What is your problem?
    What is the problem you are solving for your customers? Are you making their life easier? Do you understand the irritations of your customers based on the current market? Have you identified a space that your business can fill?
  5. Is there anything special about you?
    Have you successfully created a special place for your brand in people’s minds? Do you stand out in the market, or do you blend in? Great brands always stand out.

I hope these questions give you and your business a little peek at what brand strategy can do to your business. Are you stuck on any of the questions above? We’d love to help. Let’s get in touch here!

About the Author

I am Aadarsh Pandey, co-founder, and designer at Humane Space LLP. Humane Space is a human-centric creative firm that specializes in Brand Management and Augmented Reality Experiences.

