“We are above the surface of your world, and yet your environment is as transparent to us as a shallow pond with fish. Even more so, since we have lived in that pond so many times ourselves. How much more we know.” — Secrets of Heaven, Marshall Vian Summers
“We are above the surface of your world, and yet your environment is as transparent to us as a shallow pond with fish. Even more so, since we have lived in that pond so many times ourselves. How much more we know.” — Secrets of Heaven, Marshall Vian Summers

“Death no Longer has Mastery…”

(St Paul epistle to the Ephesians)

Cassandra Vivit!
Published in
7 min readJul 8, 2024


Or Dylan Thomas more recently “And Death Shall have no Dominion.”

When I was a child, I wrote poems…as teenagers often do. One of them went as follows:

“Gnarled hard and bitter twisted
It only lived to die
Poor tree
Poor me…”

That expressed my view on death at that time…and for a long time subsequently. I viewed my life as totally random and without any underlying purpose. That is of course the way many many people view life and death to this day.

One other poem I wrote (I wasn’t very prolific!) was:

“And I have thought eternity…
Felt the fear.
To let man understand a little.”

That fear, that indescribable terror, visceral, would haunt me for the next 40 years. An eternity of life, existing for ever; an eternity of death, non-existence for ever, both seemed overwhelmingly horrifying.

The very concept of eternity or infinity, even reading the words, would completely annihilate my equanimity. I would feel myself spinning, falling off the world, clinging onto grass by my fingertips. The feeling would climb up my neck with a relentless icy crawl until it would suddenly flood my mind, leaving me helpless, mercilessly gripped.

I cannot overstate this. It haunted me and was so hideous that I seriously considered suicide.

It usually happened at night. I would suddenly awake and know, sickeningly, it was coming.

Time passed, children came; the feeling never left me, but it occurred less frequently. When my eldest son turned seven, I was heartbroken to find out that he too had begun to experience this. Seven years old and the insouciance of childhood was over.

When he was 18 my son…clever, sensitive, a star,

became schizophrenic…severe, paranoid, institutionalised.

When he was 28, he died, and all hope died…

and I wanted to go with him.

Paradoxically however it was the death of my son 20 years ago that led me ultimately to where I am now.

It was a time of total despair, there was no longer any chance of him being cured. I was consumed by the belief that I must find him. I tried all sorts of ways to do that… mediums, spiritualist meetings, church.

Then I remembered a man I had met on a train a few months earlier who had said to me “We have met for a reason”. I was deeply sceptical but I took his contact details.

I went to see him, and, I don’t quite know how to describe accurately the procedure we engaged in…not hypnosis, not guided imagery, but something more, something extraordinary, in which he somehow was in my mind with me. At one point he said ‘The light is saying something to you”. I was baffled …and hazarded…“erm Love?”…nope.

And then I heard an unmistakable voice in my head saying

“We Are All One”

I had honestly never heard that before, and I knew, beyond all doubt, that it was real.

Shortly after, I was going to sleep one night when I heard a kind of buzzing in my ear…I have tinnitus, and at first, I thought, oof, a new noise, meh…and then I heard a whisper…. “happy”…and I knew. It was my son. My son lived.

Some weeks later, and one night I awoke with the horribly familiar sense of dread, but then, wonderfully, it was as if inside my closed eyes appeared a sort of grey fuzzy wall, with an almost indecipherable image of my son’s face on it…and the feeling dissipated immediately. He protected me. That terror has never returned, ever.

Free from dread I began to read and study everything I could find on life, death, God, spirituality…everything I had previously carefully avoided! When I first read Neal Donald Walsch’s book Conversations with God, I came to a passage which said…you will know my messengers as they will say …… “We are All One”…I nearly dropped the book! Wow!

Death came again of course, inevitably, and ultimately it took my husband. A traumatic loss, but mitigated by my certainty that it was not the end, although I didn’t have any idea of how the after-life might be…and then I found the work of Marshall Vian Summers.

My life would never be the same again…from then on, I am dedicated to walking with Marshall…The Messenger.

But, amongst all the other extraordinary Revelations he brought to the world was one dedicated to exploring the meaning of death.

What Happens after Death, The New God Experience, Volume 4, New Message from God

“The world created your body. Your life in the physical universe has created your mind as you are aware of it. But God created your Spirit. Nature has created your mind and body. God created Nature, but what God really created in you that has permanence is beyond the mind and the body.”

— What Happens after Death, New Message from God

Many people think that they are just a conscious body, and that when their body dies, it becomes one with nature and their consciousness disappears into nothing. Some people appear to accept that. This astounds me!

Others imagine some sort of after life where they live in a kind of lovely version of our world….but….doing what? For ever?? Singing? Having fun in the sun? Eating banquets? Sex?

For ever?? Really?? Ultimately that would become unendurable, maddeningly boring, mindless, kind of gross.

Others imagine they have a soul, but it sort of blends into God. Is that really any different from your molecules blending into nature? It is still oblivion. Eternal oblivion; still terrifying.

So…what really happens when you die? Well, rather like what happens when you are born…it all depends.

An Illustration by Ellen Mitchel, a long-time student of New Message from God

If when you die you have lived a fairly good life, and died naturally you will arrive at a place where you meet some of your spiritual family, people you love, and you recognise them all immediately and remember them, and your life before you were born. You haven’t exactly gone to “Heaven”, but it is somewhere totally different to life on Earth. You do not have form.

I know, bewildering isn’t it.

The thing most likely to happen then is that you reincarnate, usually onto Earth…but sometimes elsewhere. Whenever and wherever you incarnate there is a purpose to your life…but when you are born you have no memory of your purpose, or the place of spirit that you have come from. If, when you die, you have fulfilled your purpose you move on, maybe to another incarnation…or maybe to a different role where you remain in spirit, but perhaps guide those still in physical form.

If you die without having fulfilled your purpose you will want to reincarnate as soon as possible to have another go. Sounds like a video game doesn’t it! You want to go back and complete the level!

You will still be YOU…but you will have forgotten a lot of your life on Earth. Scary? Think about it. When you were, say, seven, you had a full life, every day meant something to you, you were fully aware….but…how much of that do you remember now? Hardly anything. Does that bother you? Is it scary? No, it’s not important….and that is how you will feel when you forget much of your life here. When you reincarnated you will have no memory of your previous life, or your Spirit life (in most cases).

If you have fulfilled your purpose you will know, and you may possibly then join your Spiritual Family in watching over the world.

“We are above the surface of your world, and yet your environment is as transparent to us as a shallow pond with fish. Even more so, since we have lived in that pond so many times ourselves. How much more we know.” ‘

— Secrets of Heaven

So, you have become some kind of lesser angel…but you are still learning. You have not reached Heaven.

Hell? There is no Hell. It is a concept dreamt up by men to control people…to frighten them into conforming. God has no hate or cruelty.

Karma? There is no Karma. That doesn’t mean however that if you live a horribly violent and evil life you just move blithely up to the next level. What will happen is you will remain in limbo for a while and then reincarnate to live a life of service. Not as a punishment, but as an opportunity to learn.

For ultimately even the most evil will return to God. Even Hitler. God will redeem every single one, because He is Love. He loves You.

You have always been you. You will always be you. There has never been a time before you were you, and there will never be a time when you are no longer you. You are in fact a much much greater being than you think you are…and after death you will remember your greatness.

“You have come from death to here. Death is both the beginning and an ending, but it is only a stage of your great existence and your great service to life.”

I am no longer scared of death.

I hope reading this may help you lose your fear too.

“Think of these things. Contemplate them. But realize that your intellect cannot fully understand this, for the intellect cannot really understand the Spirit. It can only serve the Spirit, and that is its great purpose and its great duty.”

For much much more …find the New Message from God and you will find Peace.



Cassandra Vivit!
Human Freedom

I have adopted this name, and I am determined to lift the curse placed by Apollo. I will always prophecy truly…and one day I will be believed!