A review of “The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” — a much hyped paper published by Harvard University and Montana Technical University

The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis: Are We Looking for Aliens in All the Wrong Places?

Human Freedom
Published in
10 min readJun 13, 2024


The question of whether we are alone in the universe has captivated humanity for millennia. Recent years have seen a surge in public interest and concern regarding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), previously known as UFOs, fueled by credible reports from military pilots and the establishment of official government investigations. In the recent paper, Tim Lomas and Bendan Case of Harvard University and Michael Masters of Montana Technological University explores this subject in detail.

While the prevailing hypotheses for UAP tend to fall into two categories — conventional terrestrial explanations (e.g., advanced human technology) or extraterrestrial explanations (e.g., visitors from other planets) — a third, more unconventional possibility is gaining traction: the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis (CTH). This intriguing idea proposes that the intelligence behind UAP might not be extraterrestrial at all, but rather originates from beings concealed right here on Earth, possibly residing in subterranean or underwater environments, or even disguised among us.

While the CTH might sound like the stuff of science fiction, the sheer strangeness of some UAP observations, coupled with the limits of our knowledge about Earth’s history and the vast unexplored regions of our planet, compels us to consider this possibility with an open mind. This article delves into the CTH, exploring its historical roots, examining potential evidence, and analyzing its strengths and weaknesses compared to other UAP hypotheses.

The UAP Enigma: A New Era of Inquiry

For centuries, people across the globe have reported sightings of unexplained aerial phenomena, some of which defy explanation even with our modern scientific understanding. However, these accounts were often dismissed as hoaxes or misinterpretations, relegated to the fringes of serious scientific inquiry. The landscape shifted dramatically in 2017 when footage of three US military encounters with UAP was leaked online, capturing the attention of the public and prompting the Pentagon to acknowledge the reality of these phenomena. The footage, later confirmed as genuine by the Department of Defense, showed UAP exhibiting flight capabilities far exceeding any known human technology, moving at incredible speeds and performing seemingly impossible maneuvers.

This revelation led to the establishment of a UAP Task Force, later renamed the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), tasked with investigating these incidents. While AARO’s reports have acknowledged the existence of UAP with “concerning performance characteristics,” they have largely attributed these to a lack of sufficient data for identification. However, critics argue that AARO, like its predecessors, may be deliberately downplaying the significance of UAP and concealing the truly extraordinary nature of some events.

Fueling these suspicions are the explosive whistleblower claims made by David Grusch, a veteran intelligence officer, who alleges that the US government has been secretly retrieving and reverse-engineering crashed UAP for decades. While the veracity of Grusch’s claims is yet to be definitively proven, his testimony under oath to Congress, the Intelligence Community Inspector General’s assessment of his complaint as “credible and urgent,” and the corroboration from other credible figures with relevant expertise and security clearances, have lent significant weight to his allegations.

The implications of Grusch’s claims, if true, are profound, suggesting not only that UAP are real and involve technology beyond our current understanding, but also that the government has been actively concealing this information from the public. This revelation has sparked a renewed push for transparency, culminating in bipartisan proposals for a UAP Disclosure Act, which aims to declassify government documents about UAP and force the government to share what it knows about these phenomena.

Beyond Extraterrestrials: The Rise of Ultraterrestrial Hypotheses

The UAP enigma has prompted scientists and researchers to grapple with the question of what these objects might be and where they originate. While the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) — the idea that UAP are spacecraft from other planets — has gained considerable traction, the peculiar nature of some UAP observations has led to the exploration of alternative explanations, collectively known as “ultraterrestrial” hypotheses. These hypotheses propose that the intelligence behind UAP might not be extraterrestrial at all, but rather originates from beings already present in Earth’s environment, albeit concealed from our perception.

One such ultraterrestrial hypothesis is the interdimensional hypothesis, which suggests that UAP could be manifestations of beings from other dimensions that coexist alongside our own, or even time travelers from our future or past. While these ideas might seem far-fetched, they offer potential explanations for the seemingly impossible flight capabilities of UAP and their ability to seemingly disappear and reappear at will.

Another ultraterrestrial hypothesis, and the focus of this article, is the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis (CTH). This intriguing idea proposes that the intelligence behind UAP might originate from beings concealed right here on Earth, possibly residing in subterranean or underwater environments, or even disguised among us.

The Allure of the Hidden: Exploring the CTH

The CTH, while seemingly outlandish, gains plausibility when we consider the vast unexplored regions of our planet and the limits of our knowledge about Earth’s history. Over 80% of Earth’s oceans remain unexplored, and even on land, vast swathes of wilderness remain largely uncharted. It is entirely possible that intelligent life forms, whether human or otherwise, could have evolved and thrived in these hidden realms, developing advanced technologies and remaining undetected by mainstream society.

The CTH is further bolstered by the existence of numerous myths and legends across cultures that speak of lost civilizations, underground kingdoms, and encounters with mysterious beings. While these stories are often dismissed as folklore, some researchers argue that they might contain kernels of truth, reflecting ancient memories of encounters with cryptoterrestrials.

Moreover, the CTH offers a compelling explanation for the apparent interest of UAP in human activities, particularly our development of nuclear weapons. If these beings have been residing on Earth for a long time, they would likely be concerned about the potential threat posed by our nuclear arsenal, which could explain their apparent surveillance of nuclear facilities and their alleged attempts to interfere with nuclear weapons systems.

Four Flavors of the CTH: From Ancient Humans to Magical Beings

The CTH encompasses a range of possibilities, each with its own unique set of implications. We can broadly categorize these possibilities into four distinct CTHs:

  1. CTH1: Human Cryptoterrestrials: This hypothesis proposes that a technologically advanced ancient human civilization, possibly predating known history, was forced to retreat underground or underwater due to some cataclysmic event, such as a global flood or a devastating war. These survivors may have continued to develop their technology in isolation, eventually reaching a level of sophistication far exceeding our own.
  2. CTH2: Hominid or Theropod Cryptoterrestrials: This hypothesis suggests that a non-human intelligent species, possibly a branch of hominids or even descendants of intelligent dinosaurs, evolved in parallel with humans, developing advanced technology and remaining hidden from our view. These beings might reside in subterranean or underwater environments, or even in remote, unexplored regions of the planet.
  3. CTH3: Former Extraterrestrial or Extratempestrial Cryptoterrestrials: This hypothesis proposes that extraterrestrial aliens or time travelers from our future arrived on Earth at some point in the past and established a hidden presence, possibly underground or underwater. These beings might be observing us, studying our development, or even waiting for the right moment to reveal themselves.
  4. CTH4: Magical Cryptoterrestrials: This hypothesis draws upon ancient myths and legends of fairies, elves, gnomes, and other magical beings, suggesting that these entities are not merely figments of our imagination but rather represent a form of non-human intelligence that has long coexisted with humans, albeit in a realm largely hidden from our perception. These beings might possess abilities that defy our current scientific understanding, such as the power to become invisible, teleport, or manipulate matter with their minds. Each of these CTHs offers a unique perspective on the UAP phenomenon, raising intriguing questions about the nature of intelligence, the limits of our knowledge, and the possibility of hidden worlds existing alongside our own.

Evidence for the CTH: Intriguing Clues or Mere Coincidence?

While the CTH remains highly speculative, several lines of evidence have been put forward in its support. These range from tantalizing clues to anecdotal accounts, each requiring careful scrutiny and further investigation.

  • Limits to Historical and Geological Knowledge: Our understanding of Earth’s history is incomplete, with vast gaps in the fossil record and the potential for entire civilizations to have risen and fallen without leaving a trace. Discoveries like Göbekli Tepe, a 12,000-year-old temple complex in Turkey, demonstrate that our knowledge of human history is constantly evolving, and that advanced civilizations may have existed far earlier than previously thought.
  • Traces of Lost Civilizations: Myths and legends across cultures speak of lost civilizations, such as Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu, that were supposedly destroyed by cataclysmic events. While these stories are often dismissed as folklore, some researchers argue that they might contain kernels of truth, reflecting ancient memories of real events. Moreover, underwater archaeological discoveries, such as the Yonaguni Monument in Japan, have fueled speculation about the existence of submerged civilizations.
  • Out-of-Place Artifacts: Certain archaeological discoveries, known as “out-of-place artifacts,” seem to defy our understanding of technological development in ancient times. These objects, such as the Antikythera mechanism, a complex astronomical calculator dating back to ancient Greece, suggest that ancient civilizations may have possessed technological knowledge far beyond what we currently credit them with.
  • Underground Cities and Structures: Numerous underground cities and structures have been discovered around the world, some dating back thousands of years. While these were likely built for practical purposes, such as protection from invaders or harsh weather conditions, they demonstrate the feasibility of subterranean living and the potential for advanced civilizations to have established hidden underground realms.
  • Cryptozoological Evidence: Cryptozoology, the study of hidden animals, has long fascinated researchers and fueled speculation about the existence of unknown creatures, such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and various other cryptids. While many of these claims are unsubstantiated, the possibility of undiscovered intelligent species residing in remote or hidden environments cannot be entirely ruled out.
  • UAP Activity Suggestive of a Concealed Presence: Numerous UAP sightings involve objects appearing to enter or exit bodies of water, volcanoes, or other potential underground access points. These observations, coupled with reports of underwater UAP exhibiting extraordinary capabilities, have led some researchers to speculate about the existence of underwater or subterranean NHI bases.
  • Testimonies and Anecdotal Accounts: Numerous individuals, including military personnel, pilots, and researchers, have reported encounters with UAP and their occupants, some of which suggest a connection to Earth. These accounts, while often lacking in concrete evidence, provide intriguing glimpses into the potential nature and origins of UAP.

Evaluating the CTH: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Open Questions

The CTH, while offering a compelling alternative to the ETH, faces several challenges and raises a number of open questions.


  • Circumvents the Interstellar Travel Problem: One of the main challenges facing the ETH is the vast distances involved in interstellar travel and the immense technological hurdles that would need to be overcome to achieve it. The CTH circumvents this problem by proposing that the intelligence behind UAP is already present on Earth, eliminating the need for interstellar journeys.
  • Explains UAP Interest in Earth: The CTH provides a plausible explanation for the apparent interest of UAP in human activities, particularly our development of nuclear weapons. If these beings have been residing on Earth for a long time, they would likely be concerned about the potential threat posed by our nuclear arsenal, which could explain their apparent surveillance of nuclear facilities and their alleged attempts to interfere with nuclear weapons systems.
  • Accounts for Humanoid Appearance: Many UAP encounters involve humanoid beings, which some researchers find puzzling given the vast diversity of life forms that could potentially exist in the universe. The CTH offers a potential explanation for this similarity, suggesting that these beings might be related to humans in some way, either as descendants of an ancient human civilization or as a parallel branch of hominid evolution.


  • Lack of Concrete Evidence: The CTH, like other ultraterrestrial hypotheses, suffers from a lack of concrete, verifiable evidence. While anecdotal accounts and circumstantial evidence are intriguing, they are not sufficient to definitively prove the existence of cryptoterrestrials.
  • Challenges to Conventional Understanding of History and Evolution: The CTH, particularly CTHs 1 and 2, require a significant revision of our understanding of human history and evolution. The existence of advanced human or hominid civilizations predating known history would challenge established archaeological and anthropological paradigms.
  • Technological Discrepancies: If cryptoterrestrials possess advanced technology, it is unclear why they have chosen to remain hidden for so long and why their technology seems to defy our current understanding of physics. The ETH can at least posit that extraterrestrial civilizations might have developed technologies far beyond our own, but the CTH struggles to explain such discrepancies within the context of Earth’s known physical laws.
  • The “Why Hide?” Problem: Perhaps the most perplexing question facing the CTH is why these advanced beings would choose to remain hidden from humans. While the ETH can offer explanations such as non-interference directives or a desire to observe us without disrupting our development, the CTH struggles to provide equally compelling reasons for such secrecy.

Open Questions:

  • Nature of Cryptoterrestrial Technology: If cryptoterrestrials possess advanced technology, what is its nature and how does it work? Does it operate within the bounds of our current understanding of physics, or does it involve principles and forces that we have yet to discover?
  • Motivations and Goals: What are the motivations and goals of cryptoterrestrials? Are they observing us, studying us, or waiting for the right moment to reveal themselves? Are they benevolent, neutral, or potentially hostile towards humanity?
  • Relationship to Humans: What is the relationship between cryptoterrestrials and humans? Are they related to us in some way, or are they an entirely separate species? Have they interacted with humans in the past, and if so, what was the nature of those interactions?
  • Impact on Human Society: What would be the impact on human society if the existence of cryptoterrestrials were to be definitively proven? Would it lead to a paradigm shift in our understanding of our place in the universe, or would it be met with fear and resistance?

The CTH: A Call for Open-Minded Inquiry

The CTH, while facing significant challenges and raising numerous open questions, remains a viable hypothesis worthy of further investigation. The strangeness of some UAP observations, coupled with the limits of our knowledge about Earth’s history and the vast unexplored regions of our planet, compels us to consider this possibility with an open mind.

Scientific inquiry thrives on the exploration of all plausible explanations, even those that challenge conventional wisdom. The CTH, while seemingly improbable, offers a unique perspective on the UAP phenomenon, prompting us to question our assumptions about the nature of intelligence, the limits of our knowledge, and the possibility of hidden worlds existing alongside our own.

As we continue to investigate UAP and grapple with the question of whether we are alone in the universe, the CTH serves as a reminder that the answer might be closer to home than we think. Perhaps the aliens we seek are not out there among the stars, but rather hidden in the depths of our own planet, waiting to be discovered.

