Have E-commerce Sites Gone Dark?

Redd Studios
Human Friendly
Published in
5 min readFeb 17, 2020

Have you ever checked out at your favourite e-commerce site only to find that sneaky something added to your cart? Or opened your inbox and found that all your contacts have been spammed by you? Yikes! Welcome to the dark side, my friend. Most of us have fallen victim to what is calleddark patterns”.

Image credit — The awesome people submitting to Unsplash

Harry Brignull (PhD, Cognitive Science), a London-based UX designer, was the first to coin the term in August 2010. He defined it as: “A user interface that has been carefully crafted to trick users into doing things, such as buying insurance with their purchase or signing up for recurring bills.”

Have e-commerce sites gone dark?

It’s no secret that many popular e-commerce retailers use dark patterns to benefit their business, purposefully making it harder to get out of this labyrinth. Social and casual gaming platforms also use dark patterns blatantly to their advantage — accidental in-game currency spends, buttons placed awkwardly close together or game tasks that are impossible to complete without spending game currency or cash.

Our moral predicament as user experience designers

As designers, we have the power to influence how people use a certain product and with this great power, comes great responsibility. It is our job to create seamless and delightful user experiences and dark patterns do the exact opposite.

Image credit — The awesome people submitting to Unsplash

More often than not, I find myself caught in the middle of the business and the users. Business needs often take the front seat and it is at this point that we designers are faced with the dilemma of either helping businesses meet their OKRs or be the voice for the users.

In such situations what does one do? Where do we draw the line? What should our UX code be? There is no definite solution but two approaches present themselves here.

Many professions have a code of ethics as their guiding principle. This is the first step. The use of dark patterns is in no way ethical. We need to design with the intent of creating something that both meets business goals and is socially responsible. Aral Balkan and Laura Kalbag, the founders of Ind.ie, outline an ethical hierarchy of needs that describes the code of ethical design in the digital age very well:

The Ethical Hierarchy of Needs ((Licensed under CC by 4.0) (Source: Ind.ie)

The lower layers of the pyramid support the ones above them. If one of them fails, those above them fail too. So if a design does not support human rights, it is unethical. If it adheres to human rights but not human effort (easy to use), once again it is unethical. Finally, if it respects human effort but not human experience, for example, if a UI is purely functional with no user delight like positive feedback or UI interactions to create a better user experience, it is still unethical.

Now that we have covered this first basic step, the next step would be to design with the three layers in mind. But that is not enough to make a product worth using, is it? Even with the right aims and desires, the product would still need to attract an audience. This is where we come to the second step.

Persuasive design

“Persuasive design, when used responsibly, can leverage a good understanding of cognitive science to add value to a user’s experience and increase user engagement.” (Source: https://uxmastery.com/dark-patterns-and-the-power-of-persuasive-design/)

This means that we should use design patterns for good. If an action that the user intends to take is made easier, it is essentially the right use of UX practices. The Fogg Behaviour Model by Stanford University’s B.J. Fogg illustrates this idea very clearly:

(Source: http://behaviormodel.org/)

So according to the graph, the best patterns lie where there is high motivation or need from the user and the need is met by accomplishing a simple task. For example, in the well-known language app Duolingo, the user is reminded each day through pop-up notifications “You are going to drop in the leaderboard”. This kind of competitiveness urges the user to keep using the app, but the results here are positive as it is being used to help motivate the user to learn the language. Such persuasive techniques do more than just make a person use a product.

What did we learn?

Products are initially created (in most cases) for the right reasons. A user has a problem, designers and engineers find that problem, solve it through developing a product and sell it. But in the midst of it all, other motivations that are not aligned with the user’s needs can fog the real reasons behind that product. Dubious upselling may start to litter the experience with sneaky checkboxes and 8 pt. fonts, obscuring the real agenda.

Business needs often take the front seat and it is at this point that we designers are faced with the dilemma of either helping businesses meet their OKRs or be the voice for the users.

While these dark patterns could generate results in the short term, the eventuality that doesn’t often get highlighted is that users will wise up to them and once that happens, the integrity of the company behind these patterns is laid bare, even prompting the users to switch to the competition. Now that’s something to think about, isn’t it?

— Krithika Nagarajan, Experience Designer, Redd Experience Design

Read the article as published in Dataquest, India.



Redd Studios
Human Friendly

A user experience design company founded on the belief that if design doesn’t contribute to the bottom line, it cannot be considered successful. https://redd.in